Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Happy Tuesday, I hope it has been truly terrific so far...oh how I love alliterations! ;)

I wanted to thank each of you for the sweet comments and messages I received about "L.A. Noire," the X-box 360 video game that is in stores today!

When I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to be in it, I knew it was a new, inventive video game in the works, but didn't realize it was going to make such a positive impact on the industry and future of video games, which it seems it is doing according to this and this review in today's USA Today.

In other news, I received a lovely little package in the mail from Heather over at "Blondie's Shop," as a "Thank You" for my hosting a giveaway of hers here on Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style, which was so sweet!

So, I wanted to take the time to thank her and show you how unique and detail savvy her note cards are! I can't wait to send some to friends and family, and these are great for the men in my life since they have a more masculine feel!

Plus, as you can see below, her packaging was so cute and the thoughtful card inside was the perfect personal touch that made my day!

Be sure to stop by her shop and look around, I think you will enjoy it! :)

Getting letters, cards and packages in the mail are always such a nice surprise for the day and make me smile! :)

In fact, even when I have placed an order online and picked everything out when I get the package in the mail it so exciting and sometimes I have forgotten what exactly it was I ordered! LOL!

Enjoy the rest of your day and I'll be back tomorrow with a Wedding Wednesday DIY post!

Current Giveaway: Click HERE to enter my current Paris, Zebra and gold box of goodies giveaway!


  1. Absolutely lovely, as usual!


  2. Very neat notecards! I love making them too much myself, or I would get some. Her logo is really cute as well!

  3. I love Heather and her amazing cards! Kori xoxo

  4. love the cards! i also love getting mail. so fun!


  5. so sweet! and girl, yous lookin supa skinny!

  6. Great :)))


  7. OMG Liesl, I guess I missed your post about L.A. Noire. I remember you saying back in the fall your voice and face were going to be in a game, congrats!! I showed the link to Hunny and he said, "Hey, that's going to be coming out soon, isn't it?" LOL, he know's his games!! Now he's bugging me to get it ;)

  8. Things I learned about Liesl today:
    1 - she is an actress
    2 - she has her own imdb page
    3 - she has the same birthday as me!

    My mind has been blown.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)