Wednesday, August 3, 2011


It is mid week, and that means all things wedding! This week, I am doing something a little different for Wedding Wednesday and hope you enjoy it.

Since getting engaged, I have spent lots of time browsing around the internet on a number of wedding websites and blogs, and checking out different photographers styles and what they capture, as many brides-to-be do, which has offered lots of inspiration.

Some of the things that caught my eye most were the sweet and touching moments captured by the photographers of very special moments that make my heart smile! I found myself loving the little notes left by the brides or grooms for their soon-to-be husband or wife and reading what they cute! :)

I think it brings me back to both my sisters weddings and what their other halves did for them on the day of their weddings...

My older sister's hubby-to-be had flowers sent to the room where she was getting ready with the cutest little note attached that said, "Can't wait to see you...I'll be the one at the end of the aisle with the goofy grin!"

My younger sister got a little gift with a card delivered just before the ceremony was going to start as we were getting ready at the church. It was a necklace that went perfectly with her wedding dress and the sweetest, long, hand written card.

...each was so touching and started the tears, which happen at so many unexpected moments during weddings and created sweet memories! :)

So, here are some moments I came across and thought I would share...

Photo by: Kellie Kano Photography

Photo by: Kellie Kano Photography

Photo by: Kellie Kano Photography

Photo by: Kellie Kano Photography

Photo by: Megan Clouse Photography

Photo by: Kellie Kano Photography

Photo by: Kellie Kano Photography

Photo by: Sloan Photographers

Photo by: Kellie Kano Photography

Photo by: Julie Roberts Photography

Photo by: Julie Roberts Photography

Hope you enjoyed those picture moments! They just make me smile to look at and I am sure having the pictures of these moments helped to capture some great memories!

Finally, here is one cute and creative marriage proposal video that I thought I would share just for fun...


Are there any sweet and touching moments you have seen captured that caught your eye? If so, feel free to share them in the comment section below because I am a sucker for those types of things! :)

I am now back at my place in LA LA Land and I plan on catching up on all of your wonderful blogs and getting back to my usual schedule, so, expect more affordable fashion, discount and Look 4 Less posts!

CURRENT GIVEAWAY: Be sure to enter my $25 Apothica Gift Card Giveaway if you haven't already!


  1. What a cute idea! Too bad we opened our letters before the photographer got there. Don't make the same mistake!

  2. Oh gosh, you got the tears flowing! I'm getting married next may and am so excited for these moments of our day!

  3. I love this idea!!! Its one of the sweetest things to get before your wedding.

  4. OMG this post brought tears to my eyes!! i love the sweet notes grooms leave!

    your comment made my morning! thank you so much for being the sweetest!


  5. I love those pictures.. so sweet! That video, though.. is the best proposal EVER! Talk about making the movies jealous!! I'm jealous! Lol. Thanks for sharing these!

    By the way, I'm giving away a free piece of jewelry of your choice from Towne&Reese. Just go to to check it out and enter : )

  6. thanks so much for all your kind words!! I can't wait to read along with you as you plan your wedding! LOVE this post, I always get emotional seeing pictures like this!!! :)

  7. OMG! I am a crying mess at work! haha such a sweet post. I am so looking forward to getting married next year.

    First time visiting your blog and I am suscribing.
    come by sometime ;)

    xo Nav

  8. I love those ideas! I just threw an engagement party where we wrote letters to the bride and groom for them to open together the night before the wedding. I keep worrying my house is going to burn down before her wedding and I'll lose them.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)