Saturday, October 22, 2011


Last Saturday's new feature on sayings and quotes was a huge success, and I got an overwhelming number of messages and comments saying how much you liked them, got inspiration from them and wanted to see more! So...Saturday Sayings is staying put! Woo Hoo!!! :)

This week it is all about following your heart and how important it is to remember that this is your life and you should always stay true to yourself, what is important to you, what you believe in and to listen to what your heart is telling you along your journey in life.

It is now quote time...
(images via Pinterest)

The Little Prince Translation:
"One can only see well with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

Ultimately, we all continue to grow and learn along the way, and one thing I have learned with age is the importance of speaking up, being honest with your feelings and knowing what is okay to feel the way you do. You have to choose what you can live with and what you can't, what is okay with you and what is not, which is, of course, different for everyone.

In the end, we will all leave this world, and my only hope is that I am above all else remembered for being a good person with a smile on my face! Hopefully, I will have brightened the lives of others, treated everyone with respect and showed kindness and compassion throughout my lifetime.

What do you hope you will be remembered for in your lifetime?

Along with following your heart goes following your life's passion and dreams, whatever that may be to you, and something I haven't done to my full potential as I watch those around me reaching theirs. I don't often talk about those types of things on this blog or in life, and try to always stay positive, especially since we can't go back, but Saturday Sayings allows a bit of space for that, and next week perhaps I'll touch upon it along with some quote which reflect just that!

Stay tuned, feel free to offer suggestions of things or situations you may need some inspiration for and have a Super Sunday ahead! :)


  1. I love this! It's great hearing different quotes because they can be inspiring. I share some on my blog that I refer to as life's lessons. I can't wait to read next Saturdays edition!

  2. I really do enjoy these inspirational quotes too. They are SOOOO very true!

  3. What a sweet positive post! Hmmm what do I want people to remember me by? I want to be inspiring, happy, positive, easy going, fun loving and passionate. I hope my actions are in line with these at all times:-)

    Great post my friend! Hope the wedding planning is going well!!!!

  4. I love quotes like inspiring. I try to keep a few on my mirror or bulletin board so that I can remind myself how important following your gut is;)

    Aesthetic Lounge

  5. I'm sending this post to a friend of mine who just broke up with her man of 2 years. Very cute, thank you. :)

  6. What a positive post. I enjoyed reading these so much.

  7. Love this. I already feel a little more energized and positive! I'm sooooo glad I stopped by this evening!! :-)
    XO - Marion

  8. love dis quotes r my fave...thx hun

  9. Such wise quotes! They should be hanging up in elementary schools and taught at a young age. Imagine if we all knew this way back then?

  10. I love motivational quotes, they give so much inspirations. I enjoyed these, thanks for posting them!

  11. A lovely and inspiring post for Sunday, or any day. Thanks for this! :)

  12. I think I'm going to love the Saturday Sayings! I hope to be remember as a server to society. Helping people is my passion. I want to leave you all with one of my favorite quotes by Michael Jordan

    “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying.”

    If your heart is tell you something go after it!

  13. I agree! You have to follow your heart all the way! thanks for this :O)

  14. SO glad you decided to keep doing these posts! I love them! The ones you posted today were great!!

  15. adore the quote engraved in the spoon!! so glad i stumbled upon your lovely blog :)

    xo ellie

  16. Always follow your heart. That way, you have no regrets.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  17. very lovely.. I love the little prince! I read it in french class many many years ago! A quote that has stuck with me throughout my life is

    "They may forget what you said, but they will NEVER forget how you made them feel"

  18. Love it! I adore Eleanor R. I want to name my future daughter after her and call he Nora. She was such a powerful woman! Thanks for sharing.



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