Saturday, October 29, 2011


Happy Saturday, Everyone!

You know what today's Saturday Sayings time! This week it is all about following your passions and dreams in life, as I touched upon last week!

I'm so glad you all continue to love this feature so much because I love it too and find inspiration of my own each week pulling them for you! Here we go...
(images via Pinterest)

Always remember that no matter what you hope to achieve in life or what you are passionate about, you have the ability to follow through with it no matter what anyone says as long as you believe in yourself! That said, it might not always be easy, and more often than not it will be difficult with road blocks in the way, but as long as it remains your passion and an honest dream it is still reachable!

So, what are your passions and dreams or goals in life?

For me, my passions have always been of the creative nature, but evolved and changed a bit, just as I have, and just as one of the quotes about says, it is never to late to change or set a new dream!

I hope you are all having a great start to the weekend...I think I need a few extra smiles sent my way! Thank you everyone for all the positivity you bring to me with every comment and message, they are each truly appreciated!


  1. These are wonderful inspirational messages Liesl! I agree with your message. You must believe in YOUrself first. If you do, others will also. Also, no matter what comes your way, keep moving forward. Never look back. ((HUG))

  2. Love the post! Passion is definitely an important thing to have in life! Ihave many, just not sure what to follow exactly.. lol.

    M x

  3. I'm sending you a smile. Can you see it? I just love the quote from Audrey Hepburn. I wish I'd known that one when I was still teaching. That would have been on every test, bulletin board, doorway, etc.

  4. I am loving the Audrey Hepburn quote!

  5. I love posts like this! I'm almost attracted to the designs more than the words... I keep these quotes in mind as I'm going to school :) thanks for the reminder!

  6. Fabulous words to live by. One of my dreams is to be a mom! Some day it will come true.


    p.s. It's the last day to enter the giveaway on my blog!

  7. great post inspirational quotes always inspire me , new follower

    Follow my new blog love, shop

  8. I think we always need this kind of inspiration. One of my dreams is to have a creative job at home. And to go overseas and volunteer somewhere :)

  9. So many inspiring quotes! :) I love this!!

  10. I always love these! Makes me Saturdays go a bit smoother! And I love to make these my phone/computer backgrounds to remember who I am and what I am here for! Thanks for these Liesl! :)

  11. agreed with all of these 100%. Great blog girl!

    PS you should enter my giveaway for amazing NYC haircare swag!

  12. love those pictures, so inspirational !
    Now Im following you, could you please follow me back ?

  13. that quote by julia childs is fantastic. i need to print it out, slap it up in my office, and remember it on days when i start getting annoyed by having to re-see sites in europe. i mean, what other job would i ever love more??


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)