Saturday, November 19, 2011


(images via Pinterest and Tumblr)

On a side note...

Last Saturday, I posted quotes about keeping things positive and I got a lot of messages and comments saying how true they were. Many of you seemed to like the "no negative thoughts allowed" most and were even planning to post it in classrooms, which I love!

On that subject, I happened upon the below video on YouTube, linked to a daily vlog channel I watch, and it perfectly captured the importance of positivity quite well, at least in my eyes. So, I thought I would share it with those of you who appreciated that type of inspiration last week...I cannot stress how true this is in life!

Keep things positive and have a Wonderful Weekend! I'm in San Diego with some amazing, loving and supportive family friends doing just that as best I can, just as I always try to do.

Feel free to send ideas or themes for Saturday Sayings that you would like to see in future posts. I'd love to be able to offer even a little inspiration to you to help brighten things you are going through in life!


  1. Perfectly chosen I think...and so applicable, as you know, to my own life right now.

  2. Hi Liesl!!

    First of all, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! It's kind of refreshing knowing I'm not the only one going through this experience right now!

    Secondly, I LOVED this post!!! Some of the quotes are not only inspiring, but it's like they read my mind...they express exactly what I'm feeling right now!

    Keep on the good blog! =)

    xo Rose

  3. This is beautiful Liesl! I love your way of thinking. We all must embrace CHANGE. It's sometimes very hard to do, because familiar is so easy. But it's a way to GROW! Let go, trust in God and always move forward. :D

  4. In order to gain something new you have to let go of the old. Letting go can be scary, but so rewarding!

  5. Hello Liesl, I absolutely love this post!! What a fantastic and inspiring set of quotes. I am really sorry to hear you are going through such a difficult time. It seems by interpretation of this post we both may be recovering from a certain type of heartache. I wish for you much love and support and smiles. You are wonderful and beautiful and strong, with many good things coming your way.

    xoxox Diana

  6. These are such great quotes. I need a bit of inspiration like this on a Monday morning. :)
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  7. These are awesome quotes Liesl! I have a hard time around negative fact I pretty much stay clear. Life is too short to have a bad attitude. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

  8. Love these prints! So true and so inspirational!

  9. This video is so amazing Liesl. I'm passing it along so others will see! Thank you for being so amazing. I hope everything is getting better for you my friend on the west coast :)



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