Saturday, November 26, 2011


I'm here with just a quick post of sayings and quotes about being thankful, grateful and appreciative since it is Thanksgiving weekend and I think the perfect time to remember just that!

Aside from the sayings below, I ran across this lovely little site via Pinterest of the little things we should appreciate in life that posts a bunch of sayings about the simple pleasures in life that we might not think of to be thankful for often. Enjoy and stay thankful!

(images via pinterest)

I hope you are all enjoying your long Thanksgiving weekend and time with family and/or friends. While taking a little time to remember how important it is to be thankful, and even more so to find things to be thankful for, to appreciate and be happy about in your life. It is one of the things you are in complete control of in life and that is pretty wonderful!

I'm off to see The Muppets with friends because they make me smile, I have always related to Kermit, it is even a nickname of mine, and I think a happy, positive, fun and uplifting movie is perfect for me right now and a nice Saturday afternoon outing!


  1. Love this honey! Perfect reminders and I love the snow on your blog! Kori xoxo

  2. Thank you for sharing that site, I def borrowed some of them. =) Great blog also.

    Followed too btw, hope you dont mind. And maybe youll visit me someday.

  3. Ahh, how I love pinterest!

    Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving girl!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving sweetie, I hope you had an amazing one. LUVS these quotes, and LUVS you :P

  5. Hi Liesl! Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving too! My Mom and sis just left yesterday and I am busy recouping and cleaning to keep my mind off of being sad LOL! I love these inspiration quotes.

  6. Hi doll, I just read your latest comment on my blog... thank you so much! I completely value our friendship and that we are in the same place right now. Of course you can share my post, I am so honored and flattered that you asked :)

    Sending you tons of smiles and a HUGE HUG!!

    oxoo Diana

  7. hope your thanksgiving was lovely!! how was the movie?? i've heard great things!! xoxo

  8. I would love to have some of these quotes in my home! Thanks for sharing!

  9. The reason for the season! So incredibly true. Hope you had a fabulous weekend! xoxo

  10. Love these prints! My friends saw the muppets and they loved it!

  11. enjoy the little things says it all. <3
    Would love for you to check out my blog and follow. Let me know and ill follow back.


  12. these are all so beautiful! and i definitely agree, it's really important to be thankful for even those things that go wrong because they serve as great learning tools.
    xo TJ

  13. We need to be more thankful and gracious. Lovely! :D


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