Saturday, December 17, 2011


Happy Weekend
, yet again!

Today, my sister and brother-in-law arrive and I could not be more excited! Although I just saw my younger sister last week when she flew out last minute to be by my dad's side for his open heart surgery, this time it will be on a happier occasion! I simply can't wait until my entire family gets together this year to celebrate the holidays and I plan to not take a single moment for granted!

Now onto Saturday Sayings that are still so popular on my blog and liked by all of you, which makes me oh so happy! This week they are all about being yourself in life, which is something I try to do on daily basis no matter how odd, unique or different I may be from others because it is who I am! :)

(images via Pinterest)

I personally love the first quote by Robert Frost, which I hadn't heard before, and am planning to do just that and take my own direction in life with a trip that will take me out of the country and somewhere to do something that has been on my bucket list for sometime in the new year! Enjoy being yourself and have a Super Sunday ahead!

I'll be back on Monday with another lovely giveaway and this time from Uncommon Goods, a new favorite online store of mine, with an item I kind of want for myself! ;)


  1. lovely quotes! everybody should feel themselves gorgeous.
    xx Luna

  2. SWEET Sayings for sure! Enjoy your family time, I am sure you all have a blast together. Hope your Dad is doing well. Merry Christmas sweet Liesl!

  3. Be the best version of you! Love this!!! Hope you dad is doing ok:-) Good thoughts going his way hun. Enjoy your weekend with the fam!

    Tamara Nicole

  4. I ADORE THIS POST!!!!! I am all about being yourself and having a positive attitude!!! JUst wanted to come by and say thank you for your lovelty comment on my new years cupcakes:) Your always so sweet!!!! Happy weekend friend

    xoxoxo Hanna

  5. Very cute post! I love!

    Linda from

  6. Just decided to follow you ! Such an inspirational blog! I love to stay positive too :)))

    Linda from

  7. Hope your dad is well :) This post is so orginal I really love it as complete blog :)

    ChicGeek x

  8. Oh hunny, I hope all goes well with your dad. I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like.

    I am glad tho that you got to see your sister and bro-in-law. This is the time we all need our family.

    It seems like you have been going thru SO MUCH lately. You are strong and amazing and I admire you SO MUCH.

    Sending lots of warm thoughts and well wishes your way.

    xoxox Diana

  9. I adore all the quotes! I hope your dad is feeling better.

  10. Ohh I hope your dad is doing well and I wish you a lovely start to the week, sunshine. xo

  11. good stuff! I love robert frost! and winnie!

  12. Sweet post! Always be YOU! Love it! And enjoy your time with family!

  13. I love all those quotes & love your blog.. Im a new follower, check out my blog as well if you'd like..


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