Saturday, December 31, 2011


Happy New Year's Eve, Everyone!!!

Tonight when the clock strikes midnight we will be saying goodbye to 2011 and hello to 2012, a brand new year, blank canvas and fresh start! For some reason the year 2012 just looks good to me and I'm prepared to make it a fabulous one!

That said, I honestly don't have everything figured out for the year ahead and many life altering changes came with the end of 2011 that reminded me how quickly things can change and just how much can take place over the course of one single year. However, it also taught me the importance of staying true to yourself and following your heart and instincts no matter what!

As I narrow down my new direction in life and get back on the track best suited for me, I plan to take a trip out of the country to a place doing things to help others. Something I have wanted to do since I was very little and made my first trip there at the age of 6, my youngest nephew's current age. I feel it will help inspire me, recharge my life batteries and be something worthwhile to others. Something I feel is lacking as a part of my current career path, leaving me feeling like something is missing.

I will fill you all in on my plans as soon as I have them set, and I hope you will all support me in my journey, which I will of course document here on my blog and in pictures! Overall, I plan to live my life in the now, no longer looking into the past and living life in a direction that can't be changed. Something many of us who fall into the small section of people born into the Catalano Generation, as it was recently named, tend to do.

Ultimately, I want to start living for today and working towards a fulfilling future, which for me is wide open at the moment, while taking hold of all the opportunities being presented through this blog and beyond to make the most of everything I enjoy!

So, here I am with a few sayings about the New Year upon us and the new start we are all about to receive! Have a happy one, be safe and prepare for all the magical adventures and possibilities ahead!
(images via Pinterest)

With the sayings said, I shall leave you all with my little year ending letter to 2011. With the hope that reading it at the close of the new year upon us will show me just how far I've come in 366 days, not 365 because of the leap year that gives us all an extra day to make it even more special and fulfilling!

Dear 2011,

Thank you for the excitement, lessons, reminders, ups and downs you brought me. Though some were over the moon with joy moments, while others were life changing and heart breaking, each built more strength within me and provided greater life experience and knowledge than I had prior. All of which are sure to help me in my future endeavors.

To each and every person who came into and even those who left my life this past year, thank you. You helped make me who I am now, better understand my personal wants and needs, and I truly believe you were a part of my life, no matter how long or short an amount of time, for a reason. I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone I have the privilege of knowing.

I am thankful for what I do have and consistently realizing just how lucky and fortunate I already am, as well as excited to discover what the year ahead has in store for me and all the adventures upon which I can embark. I plan to continue doing my best to improve the person I already am while remaining positive and upbeat with a smile on my face!

Honestly, I don't think anything could ever shake that from who I am or my belief that everyone deserves a helping hand, patience, kindness and is worthwhile with the potential to do wonderful things in this world. Sometimes it just takes one small moment or one person to believe in them to make it happen and make a difference!

Here's to "leaning forward" in 2012!

Thank you to each and every one of you who have followed me on my journey in blogland thus far, whether you hoped on board a long time ago, like the following...

Anna from Anna Sacconne, Diana from OneCraftyFox, Kathryn from Take My Breath Away, Blair from Wild and Precious, Rhi from Hey Gorgeous, Anna from Lona de Anna, Tamara from Life and Style of Tamara Nicole, Lindsay from Pink and Fabulous, Amber from Amber's Notebook, Brandi from Blicious, Alycia from Crowley Party and Kelsey from Seattle Smiths

...or more recently like some of my newer, fashionable friends...

Debbie from Debbiedoos Blogging and Blabbing, Melissa from So about what I said..., Megan from What Wegan Did Next, Courtney from Eric and Courtney, Patricia from Grammy Goodwill, Sarah from Frills 4 Thrills, Katie from Love is Everywhere, Kori from Blonde Episodes, Ashley from Eisy Morgan and Kim from Sassy Uptown Chic

...I appreciate each of you listed above, those following and all who simply stop by, be it once or more than once! Honestly, there are far too many to mention each of you, but I hope you know how much your support, comments and positivity mean to me!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2012 and continued success in all you do in blogland and beyond! See you next year ready to do great things! :)


  1. Oh my Liesl you are a beautiful person inside and out! I am so excited to see how 2012 unfolds for you, sounds so exciting!!! Happy New Year my dear I am so glad I have met you through blogland over the last (years? Shoot it's been a while!).

    You are amazing, always know that!


  2. P.S. I am beyond honored for your shout out, just saying! xoxo

  3. What a gorgeous soul you are...those inspirational quotes are awesome..uplifiting..and very it. Wishing you a HNY sweety...thanks for being such a beautiful bloggy friend, for all your kind words , support and encouragement. Sending big hugs. A x

  4. I wish you a very Happy New Year Liesl! :)

  5. What I great post. Wishing you a Happy New Year Darling!


    Fashion Steele NYC

  6. Happy New Year! Love your blog and thanks so much for following me! I do appreciate it. Hope all your wishes comes true in 2012 xxx

  7. Thank you so much Liesl! <3 Happy New Year and I love your resolutions :)

  8. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TOO!!! if you like we can follow each other also on facebook! ...keep in touch!

  9. Such a wonderful letter! Life keeps evolving...doesn't even have to be by the new year.

    "Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present"-John Maxwell


  10. Happy New Year to you Liesl. I know that 2012 is going to bring great joy to you!

  11. Happy New Year Liesl. I think 2012 is going to be the best year yet! Thanks for blogging.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)