Friday, February 17, 2012


Happy Friday, Lovelies!

Hope you had a great and productive weak, and that you are about to kick of the weekend with a fun-filled adventure or perhaps relaxing time at home!

I haven't done a Look of the Day in a while, since I've been on the go and rather busy, but I did get a chance to capture the super casual look I sported on Valentine's Day, and, so, here it is! Yay!
Sometimes I'm a little too silly for my own good, but a gal must have fun in life...especially the older she gets! ;)

My look was super affordable, coming in at just over $88, but the total doesn't include my Steve Madden leather boots since they were a gift from my super sisters. Everything else is included, including the coral scarf my Marvelous Mother gave me!

White Tank Top
Forever 21 - $3.80

Taupe Jacket
TJ Maxx - $12.99

American Rag Jeans
Marshall's - $29.99

Coral Merona Scarf
Target - Gift from my Marvelous Mother ($12.99)

Coral & Gold Rings
H&M - $5.95

Gold Bangles
Forever 21 - $4.80

Merona Sunglasses
Target - $17.99

Steve Madden Brown Riding Boots
Amazon - Gift from my Super Sisters (not included in total price)

Total Look = $88.51*
*(minus boots that were a gift)

As you can see, it is a look anyone could recreate, and probably using pieces you already have in your closet! Honestly, I had no idea what I was going to wear that day, just pulled something comfy, since I knew I would be on my feet most of the day, along with a little coral pink to celebrate the Hearts Day and headed out the door!

Yesterday, another Liesl in it...from Pretty Random Things tagged me to answer the following questions, so, here I am with my answers! Yay! :)

1. What did you eat for breakfast today?
I had a Smart One egg and cheese sandwich with my usual morning coffee with coffee-mate peppermint mocha creamer! Yum!

2. What is one thing you do when you’re by yourself that you wouldn’t do with other people around?
Oooh, good one! Probably talk to myself from time to time, yes, this I crazy?!? ;)

3. What is your guilty pleasure?
If this is considered a guilty pleasure, I get a good laugh out of watching TMZ when with my sisters or my mother, who loves that is something silly, mindless and entertaining when we are together! :)

4. Do you prefer coffee, tea or neither? Why?
Coffee for moi, but with Splenda and lots of creamer, but I also enjoy tea, the English way, with some milk and sugar in it, however, my tastes just lean more towards coffee.

5. Do you believe in “love at first sight”? Why?
Oh my, well, I do believe that someone can intensely catch your eye and leave you wanting to know and see more, but I think love takes more time to develop, as to not be mistaken for lust, if that makes sense.

6. Are you subscribed to anyone on YouTube? Whose videos do you watch religiously?
I don't often subscribe on YouTube, but I do watch a few users often. Those include: WendysLookBook, TheStyleDiet, TheSacconeJolys, DulceCandy87, SamanthaScherman, MichellePhan, MakeupByTiffanyD, EmilyNoel83, LisaEldridgedotcom especially before I go out and purchase new, make-up and things to see their thoughts on if it works, is it worth the price, etc., and ShayTards from time to time, they just entertain me and are such a good, fun and loving family. Plus, each of their videos are great quality and well edited, which is nice.

7. Can you do anything “weird” with your body?
Don't know if it is weird, but I can bend my thumb all the way back to touch my wrist.

8. What was the last book you read?
Honestly, I am not much a reader, never have been, though I know reading is important. So, the last actual book I read would be The Alchemist, I think, and then, I recently read a fun little book called It's Not Easy Being Green: And Other Things to Consider, given to be by my dad, and found I relate to the late Jim Henson in so many ways, specifically his thoughts and views on the world and people!

9. Do you prefer winter or summer? Why?
There are things I like with each. I love being able to wear scarves, layers and boots and get all cozy and warm in the winter, especially when its snowing out, but then I enjoy fun sundresses, skirts and sandals in the summer and simply enjoying the beautiful, warm weather.

10. If you can travel to any country this year, where would you go?
This year, I would say back to Africa to volunteer with the children or else back to Australia because it is one of my favorite places and the people are so the accent too! ;)

11. What is your favorite time of the day? Why?
I have to think about this, but I believe it would be late at night, I'm a night person, and believe it or not, used to not go to bed before 3 or 4 AM, though I did my best to break this habit last year and now tend to be getting tired sooner the older I get...oh my...anywho, it is so quiet at night, people aren't' calling you, some are asleep and it is just a nice time to relax and not feel like you have to be somewhere at a certain time, etc.

Feel free to be a part of this tag or answer any of these questions yourself in the comments below! I'll be back tomorrow with more quotes, and then, on Monday with a recent affordable fashion find and spot online! Woo Hoo! :)

Wishing you a delightful weekend ahead, I'll be busy, but will take some moments to enjoy it too!


  1. Replies
    1. Aww, thank you, Tereza! Hope you have a lovely weekend! :)

  2. I love your photos and your scarf.

  3. love the look! You're too cute :)

  4. You are soo stinkin cute! Loving the outfit!

  5. Liesl! You are killing me with your cuteness! Seriously... I just ADORE you! And I'm loving your outfit!

    1. You are so sweet, thank you! Also, your recent e-mail to me meant the world! <3

  6. Super cute and I love your motion pic! Awesome!!

  7. you are stunning! have a great weekend! Monika

  8. I love that little taupe jacket. Good score!

  9. you've got very beautifull smile!

    follow me :)

    1. Thank you, Aleksandre! Off to check out your blog now! :)

  10. That is an adorable gif! Your effortless look is so cool! Btw, when you smile, you look like Katherine Heigl;)

    1. Thank you! I get Katherine Heigl all the time...hehe! :)

  11. You are just too cute. I love the moving picture at the beginning of the post.

  12. so adorable! i love your scarf and those rings!

  13. you are so pretty :-) I like the outfit

  14. I loved your moving pic! and the outfit is very cute and stylish!

    BTW I'm having an Amrita Singh giveaway on my blog, you're welcome to visit :D

    xoxo Julieta

  15. I'm absolutely loving that outfit! You always find the cutest things!

  16. You are just so beautiful! I love your hair. And your clothes. And your blog.

    Lots of love xxx

  17. You look amazing;) If you have time please visit my blog and fan page too;)

  18. hi dear
    cute post
    i like the outfit
    hope you have a wonderful weekend

  19. The motion picture just cracked me up! My friend was next to me and said "hey, she's like you with the funny pictures!!!" I took that as a compliment btw! And I loved your rings!!

    And no, talking to yourself doesn't mean you're just means sometimes hearing/saying things out loud is better =)


    1. You are the best, Rosie!!! :) Your comment made me laugh...please tell our friend, "yes, that is exactly right!" Yay for funny, silly pictures...they are a must! LOL! So glad I'm not crazy with the talking to myself...phew!!! ;)

  20. Thanks for the sweet comments you left on my blog! You are so adorable-love this look! I'm following now:)

  21. Liesl, you really made my day with the comment! Thank you ever so much!
    Anyway- I love the coral scarf and how the rings and all just...goes! And you know, talking to yourself is not as bad as singing by yourself pretending to be in a musical-with grand sweeping gestures and even bowing to the imaginary crowd! At least it's fun...and no one's seen me yet! :D
    p.s. I hope you're having a relaxing weekend as well!

  22. My sleeping pattern is as peculiar as yours (or as yours used to be).

    1. Good to know there are others out there like that! Actually, I've been slipping back into that same pattern, yet again...time to just accept it! LOL! :)

  23. Wow those are some great glasses for the price! Oh and I love coral!

  24. I love your blog doll!! and that look is just amazing! :) Following you :) im so happy I discovered your site! :) hope you follow back :)

  25. This is a great outfit! Love the boots and your cute/silly faces! Also enjoyed reading your tag answers and learning more about you. xoxo

    1. You are the best, Ashley! Thank you so, so much! :)


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)