Monday, March 19, 2012


Happy Monday, Blogland!

I came across some cork board frames on pinterest, a DIY project pinned from Tea Rose Home, and I had planned on making one of my own using a frame I already owned, but originally got at Marshall's for about $7.99 in case you are wondering.

While out and about, I noticed that buying cork wasn't as inexpensive as I would have thought. Ones at Staples run $29.99 for a smaller 4 pack and the sheets from Michael's are $19.99. So, when I was at IKEA and noticed some tree printed placemats made out of cork, they caught my eye.

I thought, why couldn't I just use them as cork, instead of as a placemat, by turning each mat over and using the back?!? Plus, you get a set of 4 larger sheets for less than one anywhere else!

Turns out it works quite well, and allows you to create a 12"x16" frame for about $1 easily and in just a couple minutes! Here is how I did it, step by step...
IKEA placemat cork board Get Crafty DIY by Liesl Ehardt

This can be one you already own, as mine was, or one you pick up at Goodwill or Marshall's for just a few bucks and even one without or cracked glass because you'll be removing it.

IKEA TYST Cork Placemat
You get a pack of four placemats for $4.99, making each about $1, and leaving you plenty to make more than one cork board of different sizes.

Scissors, Pen & Ruler
Items you probably already own that you'll use to mark the placemat and cut it to the right size to fit inside the frame.

Remove the backing and glass from the frame.

Place glass on the cork placemat and trace the outline of it. If your frame does not have glass, just use a ruler to measure the inside of it.

Cut on the lines you made to create the cork board insert, my frame is about 12"x16".

Leave the glass out and place the cork placemat into the frame, then, the frame's backing and secure it in place.

Ta-da! Your new cork board is now complete and your frame is transformed.

Final look at my new cork board put to use and fitting in with my new decor.

Use the placemat to fill a bigger frame by using more than one placed together, side by side, attached from the back, and then, cover it with a fabric of your choice to create a smooth surface and add a little style.

Spray paint or paint the cork board to create a fun color or design to your cork.

Use the placemat in a frame with a picture, cut smaller than the cork and frame size, centered to create a cork matte and border for your picture.
Hopefully, this sparks some more ideas for you, and allows you to get crafty for a super affordable price!

Feel free to share your ideas and creative tips in the comments below, and let me know if there is anything you need a little creating! Pinterest sure helps get the creativity flowing! :)

SIDE NOTE: I want to thank Patricia for the lovely things she said, I was happy to be her "blogging friend," and let her know that she will be truly missed in blogland! ♥


  1. Great and easy idea! love it!

  2. Hi Liesl, thank you so much for the comment:) you're going to NY? so coool:) hope you'll feel home there, but i saw you lived there once, so that shouldn't be a big problem:) move out & move in... aww that's exhausting!! have fun with packing <33


    1. Thank you, are right, it should't be too big of a problem! I love your blog and hope you have fun fully organizing and downsizing your closet...maybe you should do a before and after! :) Good luck!

  3. Cute! What a great idea. Finished product looks awesome :)

  4. Oh has SO many wonderful crafts on it :) I love this idea though! Cute AND practical!

  5. Oh wow!! I love this!! Such a neat idea!!

  6. Beautiful work and so creative. :-)

  7. Such a great idea! My notice board is looking a tad plain... x

  8. Thanks for stopping by at Nest Love Designs!! Your blog is so cute, I am following you now ;)

    Good luck with the giveaway!!


  9. Great tutorial! I need to think about doing this and I've got to get over to IKEA!

  10. This is so easy and inexpensive!! You are so clever!! xo

  11. Such a smart idea and the frame makes it look so polished! Would even love the idea of painting the cork... thinking aloud here. :)

  12. Such a good idea~ Love it!!
    Thxs for posting!


  13. Oh, so very lovely.

    You are welcome to make me one, ANYTIME my friend, anytime.

  14. this is such a cool idea! and i love how easy and budget-friendly it is! :)

    <3, Mimi
    Fashion To Figure Giveaway

  15. Liesl, that is the cutest thing and you were so smart to use the placemat! I never realized how expensive cork was until I was helping with a class project. Who knew! Yours is brilliant! I hope all is well with you. We have been so crazy, but our house sold! It was on the market less than 2 weeks! We are moving much sooner than planned, so needless to say, we are crazy around here! I hope you are well and I can catch up soon!

  16. What a great DIY!! I love how this turned out.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  17. I can't believe you made these using a placemat! Thank you for the great step by step tutorial, I can't wait to try and make these.

  18. Such a great idea! I'll definitely be making one of these!

  19. hey liesl- sooo cute this diy board :) love it! so creative and love to pin photos of friends or nice looks from magazines :D
    xx the cookies
    share the feeling

  20. It always surprises me how expensive basic things can be, great job finding the place mats!

    1. Thank you, this surprised me too...but yay for a more affordable solution! :)

  21. Aw this is such a great idea!! Taking notes for our new house <3

    M x


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)