Saturday, March 31, 2012


Happy Saturday, Blogland!

Today, I wish I could fit inside a carry on bag, yes a carry on! LOL!

My sister, brother-in-law and nephews are on their way to Hong Kong for a week, and even though I've been there before, when I was younger, I'd love to go back as an adult and explore with them! I'm super excited for them, and can't wait to hear all about it and see all their pictures! :)

Anywho, their trip inspired me to post some quotes and sayings about travel, and simply getting out there, exploring and taking chances in life! I think travel has helped shape who I am today in some positive ways!

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)

(quote image created by Liesl Ehardt)

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to travel all over the world growing up, and live in different countries, for which I feel so thankful! I think travel is so important in a person's life, especially as a child!

It allows you to learn and see so much, which helps keep your mind open, and give you the knowledge that there is so much more out there to experience...I highly recommend it! :)

Hope you all enjoy the last day in March and have a relaxing weekend! Perhaps you can take a little time to go on an adventure or even simply explore somewhere in your town that you've never been!


  1. i plan to travel around the world when i'm older! i want to see the world and try everything. LOL. i've been to Hong Kong though back when i was little. it's a great city!

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    1. I love that idea, Carrie! And looks like you and I were both in Hong Kong when we were littler...can't wait to swap stories if we both get back there soon! :)

  2. awesome travel inspiration!

  3. I love the freedom of traveling, I love that life eases and burderns are lessened, and the world really does just go away.

    Beaufort, SC. This fall to visit my best friend.
    Northern California to visit a blog friend.

    I say, life is short, have a job you enjoy but you can take time off of and travel, to people rather then places, i'm all about people.

  4. I love travelling and I hope I can travel around the world one day :)
    Great post!

  5. it makes me wanna go for a vacation :)

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    Hope to reading from you soon,

    best wishes and greets from London

  6. I just pinned like each and every one of these quotes... so inspiring!

    kisses darling :)

    1. Yay! So glad you enjoyed them...oh how I love quotes! :)

  7. Love that you enjoyed Hong Kong as well, and have traveled! Yay! Off to check out your blog now! :)

  8. Next time you can fit me in that suitcase too ok? :) Hope you're doing marvelous, Liesl! I can hardly wait to hear about all the new changes and big things coming to you in your life. Wheeee!! xoxo

  9. Beautiful post on your blog, I love it! Would you like to follow each other?

  10. Thanks sweetie, I just followed back!:X

  11. amazing post dear!
    Love your blog, soooo inspiring! Following! I hope you'll follow me back! <3

  12. Remarkable blog! Thank you for visiting! I follow back =]

  13. I couldn't agree more! Travel is food for the soul!

  14. I love all of these!! I really need to take them to heart because I feel like I am very under traveled! Especially when I read about all of the wonderful places you have been!

  15. UGH I want to travel more!!!! xoxo A-

  16. Travel Inspiration Overload... Fantastic :)

  17. love all of these so much!! they are getting me excited for our big EUROPE trip in june!! :) :)

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I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)