Sunday, May 20, 2012


Happy Sunday, Fashionable Friends!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend so far! I was awarded two super fun blog awards earlier this month and wanted to say, "Thank You!"
(image altered by moi.)

The first was from the lovely Miss L who awarded me a Blogger Appreciation Award, and I wanted to be sure and answer the 4 questions that were a part of it and join in since she is so supportive!

The Rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award with their blog link on your post.
2. Answer the following 4 questions.
3. Award the Blogger Appreciation Award to as many others as you'd like.
4. Let the blogger know you've just awarded them.

The Questions:

How long have you been blogging?
I opened by blog in 2009, but didn't start really blogging until 2010 and began blogging frequently in 2011.

What are 1-2 reasons you started blogging?
Honestly, I didn't really know what blogging was when I began. I opened an account simply to keep a book I was writing at the time backed up somewhere, but not published.

What type of blogs do you like to follow/read?
I love fashion, DIY, interior design, crafty and food blogs best, and check out photography and beauty ones from time to time too!

What is one thing you would like to improve on as a blogger on your blog?
I would like to start having better Look of the Day posts in various locations...I plan to get on that once settled in NYC! :)

I Tag:

Everyone reading this who wants to participate! :)

The second was from the Super Shiela over at The FailteHouse awarded me an Inspiration Award, which means so much!

This one was a sweet appreciation blog post mention with no questions attached. Her blog has such a pretty layout and such inspiring and positive blog content, which I love! :)

Thank you again to both Miss L and Sheila!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, I'll be back tomorrow with a Get Crafty DIY that I'm pretty proud of and excited to display!


  1. Aww you are the best Liesl! Good luck with your move to NYC!

  2. This just makes me think "she clearly is confused when she reads mine, because I don't fall under any ANY any of those categories." ;)


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)