Friday, May 4, 2012


Happy Friday, Blogland!

From time to time, I like to cover charities I work with, donate to or think are a great cause because I truly believe that helping others whenever possible is so important!

I volunteered throughout high school at a place called Paige Whitney Babies Center, and really find pure joy in helping a way, it helps me at the same time in a different way! :)

I'm sure many of you have heard of Operation Smile, an international children's medical charity that heals children's smiles. Every three minutes a child is born with a cleft, often leaving them unable to eat, speak, socialize or smile. And in many cases, their parents can't afford to give them the surgeries they need to live a normal life.

As many of you know smiling is something I can't imagine my life without, and is something I wear daily! Merely thinking about children out there who can't smile, which many of us take for granted and don't even think about, saddens me, so, I'd love to be able to help!

Since many of my readers are of college age, I wanted to let you know that by simply renting any of your textbooks from Campus Book Rentals, you will not only get a great deal on books you need for classes, but be helping out a great cause too, which is a win, win in my eyes! :)
(Layout designed by Liesl Ehardt using Campus Book Rentals and Operation Smile logos.)

They have textbooks for a wide variety of subjects and majors, no matter what you may be studying!

As some of you know, I got my BFA degree in Theatre, and The Oxford Illustrated History of Theatre was one of the books we had to read, which they carry on their site at a cheaper price now than it was when I had to purchase it, and that was years ago! ;) I still have my copy!

As always, whenever I talk about a charity, I donate or have donated to that particular charity to help in any small way I can. Love that this one is all about my favorite accessory...a smile! :)

This evening, I'm off to dinner with the "Citizen Dames" and to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which no matter what, should have fantastic acting!

It stars Judy Dench and Tom Wilkinson and the oh so funny Maggie Smiths, whom I adore!!! :) Some of you will recognize her form the wonderful PBS series "Downton Abbey!" Love that series!

Have a Wonderful Weekend, and I'll be back tomorrow with lots more fun quotes!


  1. Like I said, kindness, you're woven through every letter.

    1. You always make my day, Shay! Thank you! <3

  2. you're incredible. =) That's very kind.
    I'm doing a giveway in my site if you're interested. Have a great weekend.

  3. They sound like amazing things to contribute too! Love giving back every chance I can.

  4. Awesome cause!!!^^



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I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)