Saturday, July 14, 2012


Happy Saturday and Bastille Day, Everyone!

Just a quick post while I have a moment! Life has been really busy, full of go, go, going, with travel in between. So, I'm trying my best to stay on top of things! :)

I'm here with some quotes about life and following your heart, something I learned the true importance of last year, and have done my best to listen to ever since!
(images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)

Remember, it is your life, and although people won't always agree with you, sometimes you have to do what is best for yourself, and that is okay. Plus, you can never please everyone, no matter how hard you try, or how good a person you try to be in life.

That said, I hope to be back on Monday with a Look of the Day post, and that each of you have a great rest of the weekend!

Also, I'm really looking forward to Rosi Golan's Show at City Winery next weekend, and meeting many of you in the NYC area, and fun with friends in city afterwards! Yay! :)


  1. Your quotes are wonderful,
    they are real pick-me-ups.

    1. That is what I hope they do for others, thank you! :)

  2. great posts and very positive sayings! Can´t wait to see the Look of the Day post from you!

    1. So glad you enjoyed them...and yes, a Look of the Day is on its way tomorrow! Yay! :)

  3. Liesl, you are such an inspiration, I adore you for this post!! I hope things settle for you soon, I know moving can be hectic and startling, but also so exciting at the same time.

    Sending you smiles,
    Diana :)

    1. You have been such a support, Diana, and I know you and I were going through similar things, so, it has been great seeing you pull through into the happiness you are in right now as well! Thank you for all your kind words, messages and everything in between! This comment means so much to me! <# Sending smiles right back at you! :) :) :)

  4. These are so very VERY beautiful! I was about to comment on this post when I received your sweet comment on my blog. Thank you! : ) And I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  5. What beautiful quotes and they are all so inspiring! Love it. Hope you get a breather with all of your craziness and hope that you enjoyed your weekend too, xo!

  6. Hi Liesl!

    I have been kind of down lately, not even posting on the blog, and today I just went and read every Saturday Saying you posted for the last few months and it just gave me strength to move on and keep on going! I know you don't know me and you must get this a lot, but you really are an inspiration for me and I hope you get everything in life you wish and deserve!!

    Thank you for being the person you are!


  7. I simply just needed the Grey's Anatomy quote, and for that I thank you.

  8. Love the first picture/quote, it puts things in perspective in a simple way :)

  9. these are so wonderful and inspiring -- my favorite is "you are who you CHOOSE to be" so powerful.

  10. Everytime I come on your blog, I feel like I am just flicking through the pages of Lula magazine!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)