Friday, August 31, 2012


Happy Friday, Everyone!

How is it that this week flew by so quickly? Anywho, I'm here with a variety of trendy boots for under $80, which will allow you to be fashion forward this fall without spending too much!

I don't know about you, but I love boots, pretty much anytime of year, but the fall and winter are the perfect seasons!

I got a pair of Steve Madden flat riding boots last year that I just love, worn with a cute above the knee dress or over leggings or jeans, but his updated version of them below, are delightful with the buckle accents!
(layout and design by Liesl Ehardt)

Victoria's Secret - $79

Victoria's Secret - $79

Alloy - $39.90

Alloy - $49.90

Alloy - $49.90

Looking forward to breaking out my boots very soon, which are perfect for the many miles walked all over manhattan, especially this upcoming holiday season with all the hustle and bustle!

Let me know what your favorite pair is or what you look forward to buying for the season ahead in the comments below! I'll be back tomorrow with more quotes for your weekend!


  1. I love boots, I was so happy to see that the shops have started stocking them again.The selection above is great, I think I may well be trying to find a pair of 1 or 2 whilst in New York.

  2. i am so excited to break out my boots too and possibly buy new ones too!

    happy weekend!

  3. 4 and 5 are so me :) Love boots :P

  4. I just purchased a knee high pair and booties and cannot wait until I can wear them!!! I HOPE that they will turn into be my favorites!


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I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)