Friday, August 17, 2012


Happy Friday, Lovelies!

So, today is August 17, which makes today my birthday.

When I was little, and since my birthday always fell in the summer before school started, it was always marked by a theme birthday party with 7 friends of my choice. Making it a party of 8, including myself, which was the perfect number when buying a theme set of napkins, plates and cups, since they were sold in sets of eight.

Each year, my dad would decorate a Pillsbury cake, in the flavor of my choice, usually funfetti, since rainbows have always made me happy and it tastes delicious, to look exactly like the birthday plate, which matched my theme of choice that year, be it Strawberry Shortcake, Watermelons, Garfield, Rainbows or Aladdin, and so on. Let's just say, my cakes always looked exactly like the plate, he is quite talented when it comes to cake decorating, just as my older sister is.

All while my mother would have the table set beautifully, with everything color coordinated and elegantly displayed. Creating the perfect tablescape, which would make semi-homemade cook Sandra Lee quite happy, including place cards for each person by their own place setting at the table, and she always had a way of adding personal touches to make you feel special.

Moi aka Little Liesl on my birthday years ago.

As an adult, I'm not really one who makes a big deal on or around my birthday, I rarely even tell anyone it is my birthday, which makes this post feel a little odd. In fact, I'd be happy just having it slip by quietly, which many might not think, but I often keep to myself around that time.

As for having a party, well, since leaving the theme childhood birthdays behind, I only have a party if it is a milestone birthday, or because friends insist I do something. Otherwise, a dinner out, at most, is just fine by me, though I don't even need that. You should see how long it takes me to open a gift, sometimes they stay wrapped for days after the fact, I think I have a hard time accepting them, though I love giving them.

Anywho, this year, I'm in New York City to celebrate it, which in of itself is pretty darn fabulous. Although, I'm typing this blog post in Brooklyn Heights just before midnight on the eve of my birthday.

I think it is always a time for reflection, at least for me, and this year is no different. Though I hear, and have been told, that this new age I'm turning, at 11:31PM to be exact, is supposed to be the "happiest year of your life." At least according to TIME Magazine and a recent survey and study.

I can't say I know exactly where this new age it is going to take me, or how it is going to unfold, but one thing I have learned, leading up to this birthday, is the importance of taking things one day at a time.

You honestly can't rush things, you must follow your heart and be willing to relish in the thought of knowing that not rushing things, trusting your instincts and "learning to love the process" is key!

Who knows what it may unlock, but I plan on making it a happy year...and possibly even the happiest! :)

CURRENT GIVEAWAY: Pure Romance Make-up & Shimmer-tastic Gift Bag


  1. Happy Birthday Liesl! I am sure this year will truly be the best year of your life!

    1. Thank you so much, Sheila, your comment means so much! :)

  2. Hi, and happy birthday! Hope you're having a great day. I just wanted to say that my 33rd year was truly one of the best of my life! My second child was born, I got to become a full-time stay at home mom, and I was really very happy. So I hope that this will be true for you as well. Have a wonderful birthday and a terrific year!

    Rachel Byrne (Facebook fan)

    1. This means the world to me, Rachel, thank you so much for stopping by to not only read my post, but write such a wonderful comment! How great that it was such a great year for you and a happy time in your life, it makes me so happy to hear this! :) :) :)

  3. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Liesl, happy birthday to you. (Can you hear me singing?) I thought I'd better sing to you in case you didn't tell anyone around you! I hope you're having a great start to a wonderful year.

    1. Thank you, Patricia! What a blogland friend support you have been to me, and yes, I CAN hear you and I love it!!! :) Sending big HUGS back your way! <3

  4. Liesl, my dear friend. You are wonderful, and because you are wonderful you deserve to have a beautiful birthday, there is nothing subtle about who you are, you shine, therefor today... you should walk around with a sign..

    Happy Birthday, I simply love you!

  5. appy Birthday dear!! I hope you have a fantastic day and a wonderful year ahead!!

  6. Happy Birthday Liesl!! I hope you have a lovely day and that your 33rd year is truly wonderful.

  7. Happy birthday , I hope you have a fantastique day.

  8. happy birthday!!! I hope you have a fantastique day.

  9. Happy Birthday Liesl. I hope you celebrate in the perfect way for you! Here's to the happiest year of your life!

    1. Thank you, Tom! What a lovely comment to get from you, and cheers to the happiest year of my life...I'll check back with you this time next year, and let you know if it was! :)

  10. this is a really, really beautiful post, liesl! happy happy birthday! i wish you a wonderful year ahead! :)

    <3, Mimi

    1. Thank you so, so much Mimi, your comment means so much to me! :)

  11. Happy, happy birthday! You deserve the best day!! xoxoxo

  12. Happy Birthday!!! :-) NYC does sound like a lovely place for a birthday...I am like you I haven't had a birthday fiesta in some years...but it is wonderful thinking back as a kid how much you loved your birthday!! :-) Love funfetti is my favorite! Hope you enjoyed it!

    1. Thank you, Eliz! I did enjoy it, and truly do love a lower key birthday or spending time with those whom I love! :)

  13. Oh sweetie happy (very) belated birthday!!!! I'm happy to be one of the people to wish you Happy Birthday and I'm really happy to have you in my blogging life =D

    Wish you all the best in this new year to come, that all your wishes come true and that you are surrounded by people who love and accept you for who you are =D


    1. Rosie, this comment was so thoughtful, thank you! I am so happy to have you in my blogging life as well! :)

  14. Happy Birthday Liesl! I love the sound of your childhood birthdays, and your mum and dad getting right into the planning. :)

    Hope your birthday celebrations left you smiling and feeling loved!

  15. Happy Birthday! Spending birthdays in NYC must be the absolute best :)

  16. Happy belated Birthday!! (So glad I was able to wish you a happy birthday on instagram!) I hope you had the BEST day! I can't wait to read about it tomorrow :)
    This is going to be a happy year for you indeed! And I wouldn't be surprised if it's your happiest. You deserve it! Love you, sweet friend.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)