Monday, August 27, 2012


Happy Monday, Fashionable Friends!

Last week, in between work and time in the studio mixing Greg Holden's new song for a FOX Feature Film, which you all are going to love, I got the chance to meet up with my college roommate, Kristi, aka Skipper, since I'm Barbie to her. She also happens to be one of my greatest friends and one of the most fun and kind people you will ever meet!

She and her lovely sister, Keisha, and adorable, full of energy and positivity friend, Bushra, were in the city visiting from NC, and what fun we had romping around the city doing some tourist type things, which I always fail to do in my own city!

Then, since I had always wanted to go to Hooters to try their chicken wings, they took me there for a post-birthday lunch to check it off my Bucket List! We had a wonderful time, and they even brought out a crown and sang to me, completing the experience! :)

For those of you who asked if I enjoyed the famous wings, after seeing a picture on my instagram last week, the answer is..."Yes!"
Keisha, Kristi, Bushra et Moi by the LOVE sculpture in midtown.
Experiencing the Hooter's chicken wings for the first time per my Bucket List.
I'm lucky to have fiends like this in my life and what a treat that afternoon was for me.
Birthday girl must wear a Hooters crown! LOL!
No Hooters experience is complete without a picture with the Hooters girls.
(all images via my iPhone 4s and lovely friend Bushra's camera.)

Ever since my birthday, things have just been go, go, go and I've had so many great experiences, new opportunities and the chance to see and spend time with some of my greatest friend, many of whom I hadn't seen in years! I'm a very happy lady these days! :)

I hope you enjoyed my Hooters adventure! Needless to say, it was a busy week in the city and followed up with a busy but super fun-filled weekend I from our night out in the city will be up on Wednesday! Yay! Hope you all had a grrrrreat weekend as well and a lovely start to the week! :)

Also, TODAY is the LAST day to enter my Pure Romance Make-up & Shimmer-tastic Gift Bag if interested!!!


  1. Hey Liesl, you look so happy and your pictures scream just one thing: Fun! Glad you had a wonderful time with your friends. Happy B'day!

    1. Thank you so much, Marian, I am so glad they did, because we truly did have FUN! Your messages means a lot! :)

  2. I want to find the Love sculpture when I visit NY.
    Looks and sounds like you had a great time with your friends.

  3. Yummy!!!
    You look like you did enjoy those wings and also very happy!
    Great pictures Liesl.
    Your smile and expression say everything about your experience,(Happy with people I love).
    Have a great week dear.

  4. Hahahaha awesome. So I used to looove chicken wings then I became a vegetarian for over 6 years. I recently quit...and went back to hooters hahaha It was great...not my favorite wings though since now I feel like a wing expert. haha Glad you had a great time and crossed something out of your bucket list.

  5. Looks like a fabulous birthday celebration!! I love Hooters for their hot wings too. :) Great friends are the best for birthday get togethers. xo

  6. There's nothing like celebrating a year older by crossing things off your bucket list! Looks like fun :)

  7. I LOVE that you went to Hooters! You are the cutest :)

  8. HOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooters.

    I am still just laughing.

  9. I am not sure what to take from this post - the cute skirt, the fact you are in a mixing studio, hooters wings!, all your activities - I love them all! So happy life is wonderful in NYC for you - looks like tons of adventures are heading your way! Xo


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I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)