Friday, September 7, 2012


Happy Friday, Blogland!

Many of you know how much I enjoy some good tunes, especially lyrics, so, I wanted to introduce each of you to Katie Costello, one of the artists with whom I am working.

I quite enjoy "Cassette Tape," for a fun, upbeat, tune, but am also loving her NEW single "Everything Has Its Way" for the lyrics, gentle tone and melody.   You can take a listen below and see what you think!

Nothing like some music to take you into the weekend, if I do say so myself! :)
Katie Costello
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Music by Katie Costello

Her new music video for "Everything Has Its Way" holds a unique concept, and I love her music videos are different and hold visual meanings in a new, creative and interesting way!

Katie explained to me that in her new video...

"By using contrasting scenes in the natural world and the "concrete" / urban world, the music video for "Everything Has Its Way" captures the surreal and bizarre ebb and flow of our every day life. The time lapse technique in combination with mirrored images embody a sort of simultaneously mundane and fantastical aspect of our environment. Each and every object or creature in this world has a perspective, a personality, and is an unique character in the ongoing story of our universe. The omniscient eyes flickering throughout the video speak to this truth. The world is a complex web of simple truths, and this video captures that beautiful juxtaposition."

NEW "Everything Has Its Way" Music Video.

I think she captures this essence quite well in her video above, but let me know what you think! :)

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I'd love to get your thoughts and pass them onto her!  She has such a fun personality and is quite funny too, which I love!     

Other that that, fashion week is in full swing, here in NYC, and so, that means my lovely model friend is in town! Yay!  Enjoy your weekend, we sure will, and check back tomorrow for more quotes!

SIDE NOTE: Lots of discount codes listed on the Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style Facebook page!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)