Friday, November 9, 2012


Happy, Happy Friday, Everyone!!!

Since Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast, almost 2 weeks ago, I have been without power. Then, a Snow Storm hit on top of that 2 days ago, but we are making the most of it, as best we can, even when it is 40 degrees inside and I can see my breath! Oh my! :)
(Taken on my iPhone 4s the evening of the blizzard via my instagram.)

I have been trying to get a little free Wi-Fi from a local Panera, one of the few places in my area with power who are also allowing others to use their Wi-Fi for free, and wanted to at least post something to let you know that I am alive...hehe...I miss you all, and I am so sorry for being so MIA!  Lots of catching up will be done when things get back to normal! :)

I had no idea when I posted my last blog, just minutes before the power went out, about the "State of Emergency," which was in effect, that this would last 2 weeks and still be going on!  However, everyone has offered such wonderful support and sent such sweet messages, thank you!

As soon as I have power back, I will have a full picture show of everything before, during and after Hurricane Sandy, as well as a Get Crafty DIY, fun review and giveaway!  Until then, I have been posting frequently over on my Instagram and from time to time on Twitter and Facebook for quick updates!

SIDE NOTE:  I look forward to being able to change my header, too, seeing that Halloween is now over! :)


  1. That picture is incredible! I am just glad you are safe and I know you are documenting it all! Can't wait to see! Sending you warm thoughts!

    1. Thank you, Kathryn! You are always such a wonderful Blogland support! Big hugs to you...looking forward to catching up on your blog! :)

  2. Bless your heart. I hope things will be back to normal soon.

    1. Soon, I am sure they will be...thank you, Patricia! :)

  3. Great post dear ♥ XOXO

  4. Hmm I just lost my last comment, but will try again :) Whew! Moral of the story - I am so happy to hear you are OK! And I am so sorry about the no heat...I will be praying. Let me know if you need anything at all, my cousin is driving to Long Island with supplies and I can connect you both...very series! Don't be afraid to reach out and will be praying for.

  5. I can't believe you still don't have power! Hang in there! Your positive attitude is very refreshing though :)

    1. Thank you, Alex! I'm still smiling and know everyone is doing all they can...this hit are area even worse than I think was expected and I feel lucky overall! <3

  6. Stay bless and warm dear, I am glad you are safe.
    Take care.

  7. Glad you are ok! Sending warm thoughts full of electricity your way! Take care!

  8. sending you warm thoughts and if i could a mug of hot chocolate to heat you up, hope you get power back soon!!

  9. Glad to hear things are okay on your end and kudos for turning negativity into positivity!

  10. Stay safe, I can't believe you guys are still without power! My friends in NYC were without for a week and that sounded hellish enough.

  11. I'm so glad you are safe and ok!!! I was so worried! Saw the news and everything looks devastated I got so worried and sad as well...I have a couple of friends who were in new York at the time and I was so scared!!! It's really good to know you're ok! Wish you all the best and hope you guys get power back soon!


  12. I can't believe people are still without power... Where are you staying? Somewhere warm I hope.

    Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing a Heylee B. Boutique Giveaway! I thought you might be interested.


  13. Glad you are safe!!! Missed you of course...hope the weather cooperates with you soon :-)

  14. I'm sooooo glad you're okay! Thank goodness for all forms of social media to stay in touch and know that you're ok :) I've definitely been praying for you!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)