Friday, June 14, 2013


Happy Friday, Lovelies!

Wednesday evening, I met up with some friends in the Financial District,  and we ventured towards South Street Seaport.  It was truly one of the most beautiful evenings I've ever had in the city...the temperature was perfection and everyone was outside.  Pure happiness! 

It is in times like this when I am reminded of just how fortunate I truly am, and you can't help but fall in love with New York City...what an incredible city!

I have taken each opportunity and moment since moving back to Manhattan and tried to make the most of them. I have done more things, and met more people, in just the past couple months than I think I did my entire time in LA LA Land!

Unfortunately, Hurricane Sandy, last year, really did do damage to downtown, and it is sad to see so many places that used to be the highlight of summer still closed so many months later, but at the same time, wonderful seeing so many people out by the water and knowing it is slowly making a come back.  Just as NYC and New Yorkers always do, no matter what gets thrown our way!

After watching the sunset over the Brooklyn Bridge, which was truly magical, we met more people and wandered down towards Water St. and enjoyed more fun at a spot there.  They had a photo booth, and anyone who knows me knows I love photo booths, especially, the unexpected pictures they produce! :)

As I look back on this year, since January, great, unexpected moments have fallen upon me, so to speak, or been placed in my path, and I am loving this whole not having a plan, but seeing where life takes me, and enjoying it along the way, since none of us knows what the future holds!

Plus, I have so much to look forward to, like my little sister having a baby next month...eeek!!!  My birthday in August, which I normally don't look forward to, since getting a bit older, but now, I'm trying to embrace each year and be thankful to have another one to live! Friends are getting married and others engaged, one last night, in fact!

Not to mention the people who have come into my life, oh the happiness they can bring, even if only for the time being. Often your instincts feel things before you do, and who knows in the end, but they are telling me good things.  I feel genuinely good about it, plus, it makes me smile, so, that in and of itself is a lovely thing in my book! :)

I hope you are all living in the moment and enjoying life as fully as possible!  Remember that even in those lower, darker times, happier and brighter things are always ahead!  Have a Wonderful Weekend and I'll be back with lots of quotes tomorrow!  Yay! :)


  1. Liesl...I am so glad you are enjoying life so much in NYC. Also, thank you for this post. My life isn't quite where I thought it would be at this point...but I am learning to appreciate what my life IS, and am hopeful for many things. Have a great weekend!

    1. What a lovely comment, Betty, thank you! My life hadn't gone quite as I had thought at this point either, and I've been trying to embrace it and enjoy it for where it is on my own timeline, and since doing so, things really have opened up for me and opportunity seems to be hidden around every corner! :) So glad you are learning to appreciate your life as is, too, it will be worth it! I hope you have a great weekend as well, and thank you so much again!!! <3

  2. I want to go to NYC once again, the city is great!

    Lovely blog, would you like to follow each other? :)


  3. This post reminds me of my all time favorite quote:

    “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” ~Rilke

    1. Love, love, love this quote...thank you for sharing! :)


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