Monday, April 14, 2014


Happy Monday, Everyone!

On June 28thsome of my greatest friends and I will be running the 5k Color Vibe

After a friend of our's daughter, Ava, was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma, a very rare form of liver cancer, we teamed up to raise money for her and her families medical and travel, to and from the hospital, expenses by turning this fun run into one for a good cause.

We have named ourselves Team Rainbow and plan to run the race in rainbow tutus because every girl deserves a tutu moment...especially one in support of this little, and very vibrant, princess!
('Team Rainbow' Layout and Design created by: Liesl Ehardt / Pictures of Ava via Ava's Angels)

There are 2 ways you can easily help support Ava and her family, should you choose to do so.

The 1st is by donating any amount you wish via Ava's Angels Fundraising Pagevia You Caring, where 100% of the proceeds go directly towards Ava's medical expenses.  

Just follow the info and links via the official site below.

Support Ava's Angels:  H E R E

The 2nd is via purchasing an Ava's Angels Bracelet, available in child and adult sizes, for $5.  
100% of these proceeds will also go directly towards Ava's medical expenses.  

Simply e-mail the below link and request the number you wish to purchase and the size(s).

Purchase Ava's Angel Bracelets: E - M A I L  O R D E R   H E R E

(The front of the bracelet reads, AVA'S ANGELS and the back reads, HOPE, LOVE, CURE.)

Thank you so much in advance for any way in which you help and to all of you who even stopped by to read this post and perhaps simply spread awareness about this type of cancer and the cause.

To find out more or show support, simply visit: Ava's Angels Facebook Page.

Wishing you all a healthy and fun-filled week! :)


  1. She is beautiful. I will be keeping her in my prayers and it is wonderful that you guys are doing something for her.

    1. Thank you so much for such a sweet comment! <3

  2. I want to thank the anonymous person who left me a beautiful comment that they had donated to the Ava's Angels fund and were thinking of her family...I accidentally hit erase on all the comments, instead of approve, but did receive it and it means the world! Thank you so, so much!!! <3


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)