Monday, December 17, 2012


Happy Monday, Everyone!!!

Many of you know I now work with many artists in music promotion and design marketing, and whenever I come across someone new and fresh, I am always open to giving them a listen!  Plus, I love independent artists, music and of course lyrics, just as so  many of you do!

I wanted to introduce the lovely and talented Annie Dressner to all of my wonderful readers! She is a singer-songwriter, originally from New York who recently moved to the UK, who offers music so many can relate to, delivered in a very letter-like, conversational and lyrical form.  

I recently spoke with Annie about her start, music and inspirations, and she was kind enough to answer a few questions I had, so, that all of my Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style readers could get to know her better!
The minute I sat down to listen to your new album, it was the name of it, "Strangers Who Knew Each Other's Names," that jumped out at me.  What inspired that title?
Two reasons really - since it is one of the tracks on the album & secondly, because I thought it sounded nice (although it is quite long).  
I really like the style and sound of your music, and think "Strangers Who Knew Each Other's Names" and "Fly" are two of my favorites.  Mostly because I love the lyrics and stories that songs can express, and each is relatable to me on some levels.  As well as "Hardy Boys" for the catchy, upbeat tempo!  

I know most artists consider their songs to be their babies, so to speak, so, each hold personal connections and love, but do you have a favorite off this album, and why do you love it so much?
I'm glad you like them!  (Thank you.)  Since I don't want to skew anyone's views on what they might like best - I am not going to pick one.  Sorry - I know that is not exactly answering your question.  I've written each one at a distinct time in my life - so... it's a bit hard for me to choose.  
What artists currently out there do you admire most, and is there one in particular with whom you'd like to collaborate?
Yipes!  Well - one of my favorite bands is Belle & Sebastian.  Perhaps Paul Simon will want to play a little tune?  Haha.  Mr.. Simon?
When did you decide that music was your passion and the path your would take in life, and is there anything else you could dream of doing?
I have always loved to sing for as long as I can remember.  I started to write music after high school & started taking it seriously about four years ago.  Another passion of mine is photography - but the order definitely goes 1. Singing 2. Photography.
Why did you decide to make the big move to the UK, a place I used to live and enjoyed, from your hometown of NYC, where I currently live, and what have been the biggest changes for you as a musician?
I moved to the UK about 18 months ago.  The accents are amazing, right?  As far as music goes, I have been able to play to many more people as I have been touring around.  I have enjoyed the opportunity to perform in many different cities to many different people.
If there is one piece of advice you would give to anyone interested in following a musical path, what would it be, and was there a piece of advice you were given that has rung true for you?
Perhaps - only do it if you love it & not with the intention to make money.
Hope you have a lovely week ahead, I'll be back tomorrow on Wednesday with pictures from the week!


  1. Nice:) Congratulations and I wish you every success:)

  2. Aww my laptop wouldn't play the song(more likely my laptop be lame then anything else) but I enjoyed reading her interview, she is a beautiful gal!


    1. Thank you, Sydney! Glad you enjoyed it, and yes, she is...hope you can hear it later! Or go to her website and you can listen there...I was eating breakfast listening to "Fly' this morning! :)

  3. I really enjoyed this interview!! These songs sound great girl!! I enjoyed them.


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