Monday, October 3, 2011


I want to start by wishing my super sister and her hubby a very Happy 2nd Anniversary!!! I honestly cannot believe that 2 years ago today, we were here for their gorgeous Santa Barbara wedding...where does the time go?!?

Last week, I discovered another affordable online shopping site called URBANOG! Thanks to a pair of shoes on Pinterest that caught my eye, I liked and clicked on, which led me to the site! I was instantly pleased with the lovely look of the website and how beautifully it was all laid out, making navigation easy and sold by the prices!

Plus, you can shop by category or trend, like animal print, bright colors, glitter for the holiday or New Year, and so many more that are current fashion trends, which I love!


I ended up ordering this lovely pair of boots in taupe, a color I don't have yet for fall, and for only $32.90 with free shipping! Aside from the fabulous price, they were shipped and at my apartment 4 days later! I absolutely love them, am so happy with the purchase, they fit perfectly, are comfy and make the perfect addition to my closet! :)

Have any of you shopped around this site before and/or ordered from them? So for I am really impressed, mainly with their shoe prices, but also how easy it is to order, how quickly everything is processed and how well packaged it is when it arrives!

Enjoy your week, and I'll be back on Wednesday with a few more wedding related things that are inspiring me these days!


  1. Thanks for sharing! I always love to find new, affordable places to shop online!! xox

    I just became your newest follower! I would love for you to visit my blog & follow back if you'd like! :)
    Also, check out my giveaway for a Missoni for Target hat!!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I always am looking for new places to shop!

  3. Thanks for the comment love. GFC is funny sometimes about 'following'. Glad that you are & can't wait to catch up more with your blog!

  4. Just found you and really enjoyed scrolling through your blog!

  5. Oh snap, another great site to add to my shopping list:-) Thanks for sharing dear!

  6. great shop, wish there were more affordable fashion stores in europe!

  7. I will def check this site out. ;) I absolutely love looking at you blog... You find the most amazing websites to Shop at a decent price! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Totally going to chekc this website out!!

  9. That sounds like such a great shopping site. Im totally going to check it out. Have a sunny day, sweetie.

  10. you've totally got me hooked on this site now. LOVE IT. and congrats to your sis and her hubby. so exciting. wonderful post, love. thanks for sharing. I'd love if you check out my latest outfit post. It's all about simplistic drama and one of my ultra favorite fall trends. xoxo

  11. oooh another shopping site that is recommended- I'm gonna go check it out right now!!

  12. Love your website finds....Shopping heaven!

  13. Funny, just thinking of you today and I thought I need to pop over and see beat me to it. My sis just got engaged and I completely forgot to tell her to go on pinterst...I will what a great idea.


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