Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Happy Wednesday, Everyone!

Today is a dark and stormy day in LA LA Land and I'm loving it!!! It has been raining since the wee hours of the morning, so, I got to listen to the rain falling outside my window this morning before getting up, which was lovely, and is one of the simple pleasures in life that I just adore!

It is still very cloudy and overcast outside, which makes it the perfect day for burning my Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin candle from Bath & Body Works, which is now filling my living room with the oh so cozy and warming scent of pumpkin spice, which for me is the perfect scent of fall and just makes me happy!

So, while enjoying this yumminess, I pulled some inspiration from my wedding board on Pinterest to share with all of you this week. Oh and let me just say that since discovering the magical, addictive world of Pinterest, I've been it!!!

My perfect "Blush & Bashful" wedding color board plus added touches of silver sparkle.

(image via pinterest)

Getting ready loveliness with champagne & mimosas and perhaps a Starbuck's
pumpkin spice latte for the Bride-to-Be!

(image via pinterest)
Odette Yustman's darling and elegant wedding updo love off to the side, plus, I got to meet her
at a Project ALS fundraising event, and she was the most beautiful, sweetest person in the world!

(image via pinterest)

Delicate wedding programs in a drawer.

(image via pinterest)

Silver sparkle & sequin garter and decorative throw pillows love!

(image via pinterest)

"Thank You" sign to our of our fabulous friends and family.

(image via pinterest)

Brown chiavari chair must have and Bride & Goom or Mr. & Mrs. signs love.

(image via pinterest)

"Just Married" vintage convertible send-off.

(image via pinterest)

Strung light up twig globes and twinkle lights.

(image via pinterest)

I honestly think I might need a PA soon, not Personal Assistant as it is know in our biz of show, but Pinning Annoymous! LOL! I can't stop myself, and everyday I am finding inspirations from everywhere for everything! I think this about sums it up! :)

What are some of your Pinterest loves, and are any of you as addicted as I am?!? For those of you who are, I say, pin, pin away, and if you don't know what it is, I request giving it a try because it truly is inspiration and sharing fun at the click of a button!

Anywho, I hope you have a lovely rest of the day, and I'll be back on Friday with a new feature to my blog called "Affordable Alternative," which will feature a similar, affordable alternative find for a popular designer item in the fashion world! Feel free to send expensive things you love and wish you could have without breaking the bank!

SIDE NOTE: 9 months ago today I got engaged...eeek!


  1. Happy 9 months!! :) I had to look through all of the pictures 3x because I couldnt decide my favorites. love the garter, and the Thank You notes, how artistic! Also, I really love the colors of pinks and light browns! :)

  2. Pinterest must make wedding planning so much fun. I always look forward to your posts.

  3. Aw aren't you cute! I loved planning my wedding! I wish I had known about pinterest when I was getting married!!! :)

  4. I was wondering if you were on yet! I have seen so many cute wedding things on there and thought of you. I will join PA with you! I love to pin photography ideas and things for my home. It is addicting!

  5. I recently decided to see what the Pinterest craze was all about and I am now obsessed too!! loveee your blush and bashful color board, so similar to what I have in mind for my colors!! lovely!!!!

  6. yeah! Congrats on the 9 months, you will be a beautiful bride and I love these pallets! So soft and gorgeous!

  7. The sweet cinnamon pumpkin candle sounds amazing, there's nothing nicer than a gorgeous scented candle on a fall evening :)

    I'm also addicted to Pinterest, it's fab...loving these images.

    Laura xo

  8. sweet cinnamon pumpkin candle is my favorite!!!!!! i actually brought one to norway with me when i moved because i know finding pumpkin candles over here would be next to impossible! i was right :)

  9. Eeeeeeveryone is on Pinterest....except for me. I'm worried it may be too much of a brain-overwhelm for me, but I'm so tempted! Perhaps soon...

  10. PS: I just caught up on a bunch of your recent posts, and I must say -- you and your fiancee are adorable!

  11. I saw you commented on Vintage Vagrant, and your name made my jaw drop! At first glance I thought it was the same as mine (Liesi), I was so excited because I've never met anyone with the same spelling as me...then I saw it was Liesl. I'm still excited though because that was supposed to the spelling of mine, but my Oma is terrible at spelling :)

    Anyways! Your blog is adorable!

  12. I LOVE PINTEREST! So addicted. It's great for wedding ideas. I love the blush tones. So beautiful! Good luck with the planning :)

  13. I wish pinterest was around when I was planning my wedding! These are lovely photos and ideas!

  14. I'm so excited for your wedding pictures! I'm so glad you like Odette Yustma's wedding because I saved a thing about their wedding from US Weekly. I thought it was such a perfect wedding, just like yours will be!

  15. Your wedding is going to be so dang gorgeous, Liesl! I love those sparkly pillows and think I may need to get some myself :) Enjoy your weekend love! xo

  16. Can you believe Im not on piniterest? Im too scared as know I will be addicted haha!

    M x

  17. ahh so exciting I'm so happy for you. I'm a little embarrass to say that I'm guilty of planning my wedding when I'm not even engage :P


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)