Thursday, November 17, 2011


Mermaid Prom Dresses

I'm sure you have seen the 1960's styles making waves in the fashions of today, which was heightened by the popularity of AMC's hit, award-winning show Mad Men and ABC's new show Pan Am!

I happen to love the classic, structured looks of the time, as seen in many of the dresses, and flattering knee-length cuts that were in before the mini skirt trend of the late 1960's. It is back when women dressed for their days, fully styled their hair and were quite put together from head to toe before leaving the house.

The early years reflected the true elegance of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy who also introduced the pill box hat as a statement in fashion. It was a jet set style of living during what was the height of flying and a privilege of the time unlike today.

I pulled some looks online and put together some styles for you. However, when wearing a throwback type style that is a current trend or vintage outfit it causes prices to be a bit higher, but each is still affordable and one is even less than $20!

So, get ready to buckle up, sit back and relax during this quick flight back to the 1960's and through some dresses and flashbacks of the time that are making a comeback in 2011! Here we go...

1. Joyride 1965 Dress
Price: $82.00

2. Love Me Do 1965 Dress
Price: $86.00

3. Heartbreaker 1960's Mod Black Dress
Price: $58.00

4. 1960's Mad Men Green Dress
Price: $70.40

5. 1960's Contrast Structure Dress
Price: $19.80

Are any of you sporting looks of the 60's or would you rather just observe them?

I have sported the cuts of the 60's before, and think they will never really go out of style, as they say, but I have yet to put together a full 60's look, except when on the set of either NBC's "American Dreams" or AMC's "Mad Men," as seen in the pictures below. It seems to be the decade everyone thinks my look belongs in.
Playing Leslie with my giant hair flip on the set of NBC's "American Dreams."

On the set of "American Dreams" with actors Brittany Snow, Rachel Boston, Teal Brown, Erin Cahill and Danielle DiCerbo.

In my trailer on the set of USA's "Mad Med" in my stewardess attire feeling a little like my mother! :)

Also, a bit ago, in my Rediscovering My Life Passions and A Pan Am Flashback post, I put up a picture of my mother sitting in the engine of a Pan Am plane from her days as a stewardess, and I got so many lovely comments and messages about it and her. Some of you wanted to see more and were in love with that time in our history.

So, I pulled a few more images of her for you since this was a post all about the 1960's with some influence from Pan Am! They make me smile each and every time I see them, and just watching the film she did back then, that captures her life as a Pan Am stewardess, means so much to me! It is something I would never have been able to see, since I wasn't born yet, had it not been for that footage of her in a time she loved oh so much!

My mother rocked the blue eye shadow, a beautiful updo and a super cute uniform back when they were quite stylish and planes had 2 floors and spiral staircases...oh how I would have loved to do what she did then!

(Images Background: My mother was asked to be in the German feature film "Benjamin" by its director Willy Bogner, now a famous ski wear designer, after she was his stewardess during a Pan Am flight from NYC to Munich. She wore her actual uniform to play the part of herself as a Pan Am stewardess opposite the film's lead Philipp Sonntag. Thanks to Mr. Bogner's kind daughter, whom I tracked down online a few years ago, I was able to contact him almost 30 years later to get a copy of the film, which he so kindly sent with a hand written note to my mother. It meant more than either of us can express and I a still so thankful to them both!)

Needless to say, I LOVE the 1960's era, and would have loved to live during that time, but for now at least I can get a glimpse of what it would have been like through stories from my mother during her Pan Am days and from all the 60's inspired shows on TV these days! What an elegant, classy and glamorous time!

Thank you all for joining me on our journey, this concludes today's trip back to the 60's and I hope you enjoyed your fight! ;) Have a lovely start to your week and check back on Wednesday for more goodies!

SIDE NOTE: The new ABC Pan Am show unfortunately has a lot of inaccurate details, which is something that makes watching it difficult for my mother and her friends who flew at that time. Some are big mistakes and my mother feels that since they are promoting it as a representation of how it was then, it is disappointing that the industry lacks to fully follow-through in their research on some basic details. 

Though I realize they are trying and am aware that they do have a stewardess from that era on set for factual reference, so, as my mother said, perhaps it is the networks vetoing some decisions to make it more "hollywood" and TV-worthy. Like the decision to have a far too young actor play the pilot of a Pan Am maiden voyage flight or wearing their hats and jackets during service in flight...that would never have happened!


  1. Great post and great pictures. i like 1960´s style dresses. They look so stylish and pretty.

  2. Wow your mother is beautiful! It's crazy to have flashbacks of the style of different eras. It sometimes makes me wonder if we will ever be a type of "style" that people go back to and revamp.

  3. i love these dresses!!!
    your mother is sooo beautiful!
    wish you a wonderful evening.
    maren anita

  4. What a great legacy! Your mom is so beautiful and you look so much like her! Great post!

  5. I loved that post about your Mom. I would have loved to have flown back in the day when airline travel was much more luxurious. Of course, that's why I couldn't fly then. DUH. You look so cute in your PanAm outfit. I'd fly with you any day.

  6. Awww Liesl your mom (was) is beautiful girl! Those were stewardesses back then and when we all ENJOYED flying. My uncle was a pilot. I love the 50's and 60's. People really took care took care of themeselves. Of course they didn't have the distractions of today, but to me that's still no excuse. I love the green dress and that black & beige number for less than $20...someone should grab! HAHAHA Great post! Enjoyed! :D

  7. What a great post! I love the background history of your personal special is that for you and your mom?!
    And I love the style from this era...classy and ladylike can also be sexy :-)

    XO - Marion

  8. ahhh you look just like your mom....and I just had to read the about you section because I did not realize you are an actress! so freaking cool!!

  9. Oh you can totally pull off that look - super classy!

  10. i love this post. sean and i have started watching mad men religiously through netflix and there isn't a chance that after watching so many flawless women in that show, i wouldn't wish that i was living back in that time myself!

    love this style!

  11. Oh my gosh... every time I come to your blog I honestly think to myself that you would be perfect in the 1960's! It's so YOU! Ah! I love that style and those dresses so much!
    You are pretty as ever Liesl :)

  12. I have never been a big fan of the 60's style in furniture, but I love the clothes and hair. I love the fact that people got on planes dressed to kill! You look adorable all dressed up and I especially love you in the stewardess costume. I bet that was a huge flashback for you mom! She is gorgeous and so are you!

  13. LOVE these clothes! :] And seriously the 60s style is awesome!

  14. These movie stills are great. How amazing that you were able to track down the filmmaker's daughter... what a great story!

  15. These photographs of your mother are terrific..

    Great post !!!

  16. You look so much like your mother! I love that she was a stewardess especially when that was truly the most glamorous job in the world! I love that you got to play a part exactly the same!!! xoxoxo

  17. that's so amazing how your mom was a REAL pan am stewardess!!

  18. beautiful post...kiss

  19. OMG You and your mum look so lovely! I love 60's fashion so femenine! x

  20. Lovely photos! Re your caption on your LOVELY (seriously) Mad Man pic... did you mean AMC?

  21. Love tis post! You look amazing 1960's style!! hat's so cool ddnt know you were on the shows And even more awesome about your mother!!

    M x

  22. OMGosh, you were on American Dreams and Mad Men?? Those are two of my favorite shows!!!! :) What episodes were you in? :)

  23. Oh my goodness! I love your teased hair [I think the 60s had the best hair!] and those Shabby Apple dresses are divine! The first one especially caught my eye!

  24. I really like # 1, 4, and 5!
    AWESOME PICTURES! It'd be fun to dress up like it was the 1960s for halloween.


  25. what a great post!! i want all of these outfits hehe!!

  26. I see now where you get your beauty from!! That's unfortunate that Pan Am is so inaccurate. I haven't had the chance to watch it yet but I hope that they get their information correct!!

    And thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog post about the rude person. Can you believe that used to be my friend? The joke was on me I guess. Anyway, you are very kind.

    Have a wonderful evening! I'm trying to be a better blogger again. Its so tough with a baby getting into everything! ;)

  27. GREAT POST! I love that show (I also made a lil blog post about it), but I'm in awe that your mom was a PanAm stewardess... the fashion of that time is so sophisticated and classy, I love it!


  28. What great photos! I bet it was so neat to play a role your Mom actually lived. :)

  29. oh wow, i think it's amazing that your mom was an actual pan am stewardess! and i can only imagine how frustrating it must be for her to watch the inaccuracies on the tv show. :/

    but anyway, you are both beautiful! :)

    <3, Mimi

  30. I definitely see you as a 60's dresser. It is so perfect for you! I was thinking about doing 60's for Halloween, now I'm thinking I gotta get to Forever 21 for that dress! Hope we have it here!

    I love those photos of you on set and your mom too! That is so fun that you both got to be stewardesses on film!

  31. You are beautiful and so is your mother! Great pictures! :)

  32. I just read a great book about Pan Am by one of my favourite authors, Ken Follet, it's called Night Over Water.

    Isn't it funny how similar you look to your mother? You both look fantastic.


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I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)