Sunday, April 29, 2012


Happy Sunday, Everyone!

I just want to wish William and Kate a Happy 1 Year Anniversary!!! :) Can you believe it has been 1 year since they got married?!?
(images: 1, 2)

I remember getting up super early to watch with my parents over mimosas and smoked salmon with all the accoutrements, like caviar, capers, finely chopped eggs, onions and toast points of course!

Followed by tea sandwiches, little fruit tarts and a bottle of champagne from Princess Diana's wedding that a friend from London had gotten during her wedding years didn't age well...hehe...but we poured a splash of it into some Veuve Clicquot in her memory, and what better time than at her son's wedding!

My parents have always made moments, holidays and milestones so special, not only for myself, but others as well, and the Royal Wedding was no different. It was such a wonderful day, and I'm glad I got to enjoy with them!

You can see pictures and read about our celebration last year here! ♥

Kate looked absolutely stunning, and their smiles radiated how truly happy and in love they were! Not to mention the hype that her sister Pipa got! ;)

Plus, I think that since I used to live in London, where my younger sister was born, and the timeless Princess Diana smiled and waved at me as a little girl when her car pulled up next to ours, I have always had a special place in my heart for England and all the excitement around the Royals.

Hope you are all having a lovely and relaxing end of the weekend! Check back tomorrow for a fun giveaway! :)


  1. i've been celebrating by watching specials and re-watching the wedding all weekend :) it really was a happy day last year!

    1. It sure was, Alexis! I was watching the E! look backs it! <3

  2. I seriously can't believe it's been a year already!! They are a beautiful couple!

    1. I can't either, Courtney...oh how time flies! They are a beautiful and kind-hearted couple indeed! :)

  3. The year went so fast! I loved watching the wedding :)

  4. Yeah, I was watching their wedding too - all night long:) My boyfriend woke up around 4 and was shocked to see me sitting there hugging my dog and smiling at the tv. The wedding was incredible and they as a couple seem sincere to me. Congratulations on their anniversary!

  5. It was such a special day, indeed and they make such a wonderful couple. To Will and Kate.Muah, sweetie

  6. They make me so happy! I still can't believe it's been a year! At first I didn't want to get into all the hype last year but I couldn't help but turn on the tv and watch reruns of the wedding. It was so amazing!

  7. What better way to watch a wedding than with mimosas? You definitely had the right idea.

  8. unbelievable it's been a year! her dress is so breathtaking.

  9. I can't believe it's been one year!! It was so exciting everyone waking up early and watching it!!

  10. I love how special your parents make holidays :). Cure post!

  11. LOVE your blog - i'm your newest follower :) thanks for all your sweet comments on mine :) I loved this wedding last year as it was happening right before mine (kind of) I didn't do much to celebrate it but my great aunt bought replicas of Kate's wedding earrings and gave them to me for a wedding present and so I always think of their wedding in connection to mine!

  12. wow this year went so fast..amazing! the wedding was nice..loved her dress!

  13. i didn't do anything that fancy, but i did wake up and watch. so worth it

  14. I just checked out the wedding day post... love!! I wish I could have been there.
    I woke up just in time to see her walk down the aisle.

  15. Oh my gosh, that is so crazy, it seems like the wedding just barley happened!

  16. Such a wonderful trip down memory lane! She was so gorgeous!


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