Monday, April 9, 2012


Happy Monday, I hope you all had a lovely Easter!

Looks as though the start of the week has turned into Get Crafty DIY Day! :) I'm kind of on a roll ever since Mod Podge, which has become my new love, and being able to use things I purchased for my DIY Vintage Paris Box on other fun crafts!

Today, I'm showing you how you can recycle your old calendars, at the end of the year or month, if there is a picture in it that you like, and how you can turn it into art on canvas quite easily!
Audrey Hepburn Canvas Art Get Crafty DIY by Liesl Ehardt

All is pretty affordable too, with the main expense, aside from art products you might already own, being the a canvas, which runs about $10 for a project like this, but you can always get them on sale or use one you want to recover, as I did, for free.

I chose 2 prints from my 2004 Audrey Hepburn calendar, which fit beautifully on a 10"x12" canvas. Read on to see how I did it, step by step!
This can be one you already own and want to cover, as mine was, or you can pick one up at any art supply store, like Michael's (40% off coupon), and I used two 10"x12" canvases for mine.

Old Calendar Image
I get a black and white calendar of James Dean or Audrey Hepburn ever year and always love the pictures so much that I have kept them over the years to turn into art or prints. You can use any picture from a calendar that you like before tossing it out.

Mod Podge
I got the Plaid brand Mod Podge with Gloss Luster from Michael's. (40% off coupon)

Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer
I got the Plaid brand Mod Podge Acrylic Sealer with Gloss Luster from Michael's. (40% off coupon)

Foam Paint Brush
I got mine from Michael's for about 50 cents, but you can find these at any home improvement type store.

Pen & Ruler
Items you probably already own that you'll use to mark the dimensions of your canvas on the print to make sure it fits perfectly over the surface of the canvas before beginning.

Scissors or Paper Cutter
I used a paper cutter because I wanted to me sure my measurement was straight and the lines were clean, but you can use scissors to cut out the area that will cover your canvas.

Choose and remove the print or prints from an old calendar that you like and want to make into art on canvas.

Measure your canvas, and then mark those same measurements on the print of your choice.

Cut your calendar paper to that exact size and place on canvas to be sure it fits right and covers the entire surface.

Poor some Mod Podge out, dip your foam brush into it and brush a thin, but even, layer of the Mod Podge over the entire surface of the canvas.

Place your cut out print onto the canvas. I recommend taking a credit card or something to run over the top of paper while secured on the canvas to make sure there are no bubbles and the entire paper has adhered to the surface evenly.

Brush another even layer of the Mod Podge over the top of the print covering the entire surface of the canvas. Don't be alarmed when your print looks all white and faded, it will appear that way after each coat, but then dry clear and glossy, as seen above.

Repeat this step 3 separate times, letting each layer fully dry in between each coat, which can take about 15-20 minutes.

Finally, spray an even coat of Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealant over the entire surface and side of canvas.

Audrey Hepburn canvases up on a wall.
Audrey Hepburn canvases free standing on a mantel or shelf.

You can use any image or design cutout your have or use scrapbooking paper, they have many great works of art already printed on paper these days...the options are endless!

Your paper might bubble a bit in areas, and I have found that once I see one, when the layer is about dry I just press it down into the canvas, and don't worry too much, the little bubbles flatten into wrinkles once dry and create a shabby chic and vintage look, which adds some nice texture.

Good luck! I'd love to see what calendar images you choose to use for your art if you do this! Happy crafting, and check back on Wednesday for some pictures from my sister's trip to Hong Kong and some of my instagram!


  1. What a smart idea!! Love it!:) xx

  2. Such a super duper cute idea! You are the DIY Queen lately :)

    1. YOU, Rhi, are the Queen of DIY...adore you and your creative ideas! :)

  3. This tutorial is perfection. I'm a huge fan of Audrey, and I love how you've incorporated it into a timeless piece. Will be saving this :)

  4. What a great idea! This makes me so sad that I just got rid of last year's adorable Audrey Hepburn calendar! I'll have to get a new one just for this. So cute! :]

    1. Thank you, Emma! Perhaps, you'll just have to get a new one next year and then save it! ;)

  5. I love Audrey, and I love you, therefor I love this.

  6. I LOVE this! And I actually think that I could do it! [that's saying ALOT...haha]

  7. What a great idea!! First, I love Audrey H. Second, I think I will need to try this...maybe I can add dried flowers to the corners. You have got me thinking....

  8. That's so inventive! bravo

  9. I LOVE this idea! I am definitely going to try it! I have so many extra canvases waiting to be used and this is a perfect idea! You're so creative :) xo

  10. What a FAB idea! I love anything that I can use Mod Podge with! :)These turned out great!

  11. Great idea! Love being able to reuse and repurpose!

  12. This is a great idea! I have so many gorgeous calendar pictures that I didn't know what to do with! I'm going to have to repurpose them and hang them up!

  13. THIS IS AWESOME! Yes in all caps! Love this idea!

  14. Ahh what a great idea to repurpose old calendars! Thanks for sharing.

  15. a great inspiration. love it :) xx

  16. Great idea!! Now I know what to do with all the pictures I save from magazines and calendars! :) Nice post!!


  17. What a fantastic idea, sweetie!!!! I love them both:) Have a great day, muah

  18. OMG! This is such an awesome DIY!! These look so expensive!! I cannot wait to try this!!!

    <3 Denise

  19. This is great! And seems fairly easy.

  20. I love your blog! This is such a great DIY.


  21. I love this! She is such a timeless beauty.

    This would be so easy to do with anything. Thanks for the tutorial!



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