Sunday, April 22, 2012


Happy Sunday, Blogland...yet again! :)

I know I don't usually post today, aside from last week...hehe...but seems like Sundays are becoming a day for more random, personal, non-fashion or design related posts here on my blog. Perhaps that is what the weekends will offer, since Saturday Sayings already is about inspiration and quotes!

Either way, I'm okay with the small detour my blog content is taking on weekends. Especially after all the positive comments and messages about last week's post, which was similar...seems you all enjoy it! :)
Anywho, have you ever found out something, after the fact, that someone once said about you, another person or a situation that was simply disrespectful, off putting or even rude? Not only in your eyes, but in the eyes of those who heard it, either in the moment or afterwards, and even sometimes find it to be something that you, yourself, could not fathom saying?

Well, in times like this, try to remember that discovering this information can offer a clearer perspective on someone's true outlook and view on others, the world, and quite frankly, even themselves. Though very sad and disheartening when you realize just how different those views and responses are from your own. Even more so, when they often lack compassion for differing viewpoints and beliefs.

While at the same time, finding things like this out may also help confirm thoughts, feelings and decisions that were very difficult for you to make at a certain time in life, though you know were the right ones for you. All despite catching glimmers of disrespect and negativity prior in someone, which put you off, wore and even broke you down over time. Decisions further confirmed with more knowledge.

That said, it seems that only once you gain the ability to step outside of yourself and situations can you obtain a clearer view. More so when things are told or pointed out to you over time that others found off putting and disrespectful themselves, be it simple social graces and etiquette or beyond. Then, once time has passed, and you are more removed, you can see how the way others perceived things and felt in given situations align with your own.

Now, even though in the moments when you are made aware of certain comments or instances, it can be hurtful to hear or realize, they are also so healing and reassuring! Life truly has its own way of unfolding, and sometimes it is best not to question it. As well as remember to trust yourself, your instincts, feelings and heart a little too.

In the end, it all comes down to, in the words of a hit song by Aretha Franklin, R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Respect as a person, with your thoughts, your action and especially your comments! Remember that words can hurt the most. Be even more aware when the comments, actions and looks you make are being misunderstood or misread by so many...perhaps it is telling you something.

Ultimately, I think it all comes down to how you think and view things in life, and negativity can really alter one's perspective! Always respect yourself enough to see this within yourself and make the change. You always have a choice, but it has to be your choice in the end.
(images: 1, 2)

OK, that is all! I hope you are all having a Super Sunday, and dancing around signing "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" now because I got it stuck in your head! Come on, break it down! LOL!

In the words of Ellen DeGeneres, whom I love, "Be kind to one another!"

Feel free to share your thoughts below, and I'll see you all tomorrow! Stay positive and keep smiling!!! :)


  1. wow! great necklace!!

  2. Great post!! It seems now a days people really are lacking respect for eachother and themselves!! I find it mind boggling how some people can disrespect complete strangers. I could never do something like that!! Take care :)

    1. Thank you, Kat! I agree completely with what you said...I could never either! :)

  3. I pretty much agree with you on everything you said here. You know there is a saying - a word is a sparrow, when it flies out, you can't catch it:(
    Great post!

    1. I LOVE that saying!!! Thank you for sharing it, I agree, so, so true! :)

  4. What an awesome post Liesl!~ You are so wise and tis is all so true. You are a very confident, kind, and obviously caring young lady! I could not agree with you more on every word you said! you ROCK!

  5. "it seems that only once you gain the ability to step outside of yourself and situations can you obtain a clearer view." I tend to have a quick reaction rather then a logical one, I usually do better the next day or lets face it next year.. sometimes.

    You my dear are wonderful, thank you for opening your soul up, it is so kind and good.

  6. Hey There! Nice Sunday post :) I like the personal aspect of your blog now too, Liesl...and I like the fashion tips too :) I agree with your respect post - we do always have a choice..amen :)

    1. How sweet, Sheila, that means a lot...thank you!!! :)

  7. This is a great post! I'm loving your Sunday hellos :-) Life has been doing some "unfolding" for me lately... it is *always* good to be reminded of the awesome things that will come my way that I never would have "planned" for.

    1. I could not agree more, Sara! You always have such an uplifting and positive, I noticed that about you when I discovered you via your touching and beautiful wedding video! :)

  8. Such good thoughts! Love it. Your blog is FABULOUS! So glad I found you!

    1. So glad you found me too and enjoy the, it lead me to you and your lovely blog! Yay! :)

  9. I love this! I love Ellen, too!

  10. love it. Fabulous post, love. I hope you had an amazing weekend. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest outfit post. xo

  11. Thanks for sharing this yesterday... I've been having some confrontational issues with someone for the disrespect and lying that has been going on with this person. Maybe they need to look within, but I can't overlook myself either. ;) xoxo A-

  12. Great encouraging post. I always say people are going to say what they say but only God can judge me! Kiah


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)