Saturday, April 21, 2012


Happy Saturday, Blogland!

I'm here with some quotes and sayings to help remind us of a few important things as we grow and change in life, which I truly think make a difference! :)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

Also, the inspiring, entertaining and oh so fun Shay, over at Lipstick & Melodies, always ends each of her fantastic posts with a lovely song. In fact, I don't think there has been one I haven't enjoyed or loved yet!

Anywho, this past week she had a song by Rosie Thomas, whom I somehow had yet to be introduced, and let's just say, I am now in love with her music, but even more so, her lyrics.

So, today, I thought I would also share a song with you that relates to me and my life so beautifully. Don't you just love when your thoughts seem to be eloquently and poetically put into words, backed by a lovely melody, I sure's quite comforting! :)

"If it's all about timing, then I'm right where I should be...but often times I find that my thoughts play in rewind and won't free me from the past...if my life had it's way, how simple it would sway..."

...those right there, kiddies, are some oh so perfect lines to me. Needless to say, I think so many of you will be able to relate, in some form, from some time in your life. Enjoy this very soothing, lullaby-esque song.

"Like Wildflowers" by Rosie Thomas from her "With Love" album (2012)

Such a simple, lovely, honest tune, wouldn't you say? She explains a little about it's meaning, along with life, worth, hardship and purpose here. All before singing "Like Wildflowers" live (at the 9:50 mark), with a few lovely note changes, in Boston. All of which I think will also inspire you! :)

Thank you again, Shay, for introducing her to me, just when I needed it...once again, you rock! :)

Now, I'll leave you with a saying that simply made me laugh...probably because this is exactly what I tend to do! LOL!

I'm off to my friend Lisa's birthday par-tay tonight, and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Check back on Monday for some news on my little life...if interested! :)

SIDE NOTE: Congratulations to Tiffany for winning my Steve Madden Legwear Giveaway!!!


  1. that first quote is my favorite! i really need to be better at remembering myself sometimes :)
    xo TJ

  2. I absolutely LOVE the first one! I just saved it to my computer :) Have fun at your friends party! Can't wait to read on Monday for your news!

  3. thanks for the laugh and inspiration! happy saturday! :)

    1. You are oh so welcome, Melissa! Glad you enjoyed them! :)

  4. Like that one (what Lion King said)

  5. These are so inspiring! Amazing post! :)

  6. Oh my goodness, you know I love you on Saturdays, but now I just get to love you so much more. I'm so glad you find something that matters from my little blog, music matters. oh it matters so much, so do you.. so do you.

    "set it free.. let it go.." I stopped and started at that for a very long time.

    You are so wonderful.

  7. awh, these are all such inspirational quotes! i love the 2nd one especially.

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  8. Thanks for the post, I needed that. I really liked the one about making someone happy everyday even if that person is yourself. cheers

    1. Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it! That quote is such a wonderful one to remember...I agree! :)

  9. Great post! I love these Saturday Sayings posts, they are very inspirational.

  10. Great quotes Liesl, and such a pretty song that is perfectly fitted for your life. I listen to a lot of music with a similar style... sweet voice, acoustic background, meaningful lyrics. Google Lucy Rose, Sue Saleh, and Butterfly Boucher, you might adore these ladies too!!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend my sweet friend.

    BIG HUG :)

    1. Hugs right back at you, Diana! I think you and I are so much alike! :)


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I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)