Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Turkey Day, Everyone!!!

I can't believe it is Thanksgiving time again, where does the time go? :)

Last year, I joined the lovely Sheila, from The FailteHouse, and posted a Thankful Thanksgiving Thursday post.  Since then, I have fallen in love with the concept behind it, and want to continue the tradition.

So, here I am with all of mine from this past year, which taught me so, so much!
(image via my Instagram)
 • Getting caught in an unexpected NYC Winter Wonderland with great company.

 • The supportive, kind and wonderful friends I've made in Blogland, new and old.

 • Moving back to the city that holds my heart.

 • My truly incredible family.

 My job with lots of fun, positive, personality-filled people, and all the opportunities it's given me.

 • Miss Jenny's hospitality, shepherds pie and all of our city and Brooklyn Heights adventures.

 • Residual checks, from past TV shows I worked on in LA, rolling in.

 • Thanksgiving with my entire family, enjoying yummy cheese, food and cocktails.

 • The smile, patience, respect, acceptance, comfort and calm he always brings into my life.

 • A lovely glass of red wine shared in great company in the evening.

 • All that Hurricane Sandy taught me, the togetherness it brought and appreciation it enforced.

 • Getting to see the Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular this holiday season.

 • Starbucks peppermint mocha holiday cups and Coffee-mate peppermint mocha creamer.

Road trips with my extraordinary dad and with the family.

Handwritten thank yous, from children in Brooklyn, for the school supplies my donation gave them.

 • Local NYC delis, and the super friendly deli men who look out for me.

 • The new friends I've made in the city.

 • The possibility and world travel ahead for me.

 • My little fashion blog and all the opportunities and wonderful things it has opened up for me.

 • My Rioni travel tote, which has yet to let me down.

 • Spicy Tuna Crunch Roll from OZU Sushi in Brooklyn Heights.

 • Giving up excessive Diet Coke drinking and enjoying fresh water instead.

 • Pinterest inspiration, DIY and crafty projects, ideas and organization.

 • Instagram, oh how I heart thee, and the ease of documenting my life in pictures.

 • Being curled up next to a cozy fire, especially when there is no power or heat.

 • The free, hot showers the YMCA provides during Hurricane Sandy.

 • Colorful Brooklyn Heights sunsets.

• The importance of kindness and listening to your heart.

My nephews, their love, big hearts and all they continue to teach me.

Feel free to leave some of what you are thankful for in the comments below or do a post of your own, I'd love to read them!

Enjoy your time with family, friends and/or loved ones and remember to eat lots of yumminess...calories don't count today! ;)


  1. I'm thankful for you, I am.

    I'm thankful you are safe and sound.

    I'm thankful that you are one of the brightest most positive lights in all of blogland.

    I'm thankful you're thankful for Sushi...

    AND i'm thankful you'll forgive me for my absence.

    1. You, Shay, are the best, and truly made my day, thank you!!! <3

  2. Love this!! It's so much better then just saying "thank you"!! Happy thanksgiving :)

    1. So glad you enjoy it...I've thought it was great since seeing Sheila's first post! :) Happy Turkey Day to you, too!!!

  3. What a beautiful list, Liesl! It def. shows a lot of growth in one year - moving, new job, Sandy, new friends - it sounds like a lot to be thankful for! Love the pic of you in Times Square too :) Thanks for linking up again, so happy we connected via blogland! xo

    1. Thank you for always being such a great support and positive are WONDERFUL!!! <3 Also thankful to have met you through my journey in Blogland! :)

  4. This is great! Sometimes seeing someone else's gratitude makes you realize what you are missing! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! xo

    1. Thank you, Lindsay! I love reading others thank yous, as well! Hope you had a hip, hop Happy Turkey Day, too! :)


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my little spot in blogland!

I welcome all comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing from you! :)