Happy Saturday, Everyone!
My best friend from childhood, her kids, some some of her family and I all went on an apple picking adventure to Melick's Town Farm Orchard.
I simply love fall, and all the festive things that come with this time of year, so, this was the perfect weekend outing and I thought I'd take you with me. Enjoy! ❤
Photo Credit: Bill Armstrong
Olive Green & Cream Cardigan: Marshall's = $12.99 / Long Black Tunic Tank*: Amazon = $12 (*comes in 12 additional colors) / Tan Scarf: Forever 21 = $12.90 (other colors) / Black Leggings: Costco = $14.99 / Cream Leg Warmer Socks*: Forever 21 = $4.90 (*they are actually fingerless gloves I use as leg warmers - similar) / Feather Bracelet: LuLu's = $16 (similar)
Olive Green & Cream Cardigan: Marshall's = $12.99 / Long Black Tunic Tank*: Amazon = $12 (*comes in 12 additional colors) / Tan Scarf: Forever 21 = $12.90 (other colors) / Black Leggings: Costco = $14.99 / Cream Leg Warmer Socks*: Forever 21 = $4.90 (*they are actually fingerless gloves I use as leg warmers - similar) / Feather Bracelet: LuLu's = $16 (similar) / Brown Boots with Gold Accents: Forever 21 = $34.90
ALL of the above images by Liesl Ehardt unless otherwise noted.
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Apple Picking
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