This Sunday morning, as I sit and enjoy my warming peppermint mocha coffee and breakfast, things are very different from the way they were 10 years ago at this time.
I don't often do posts like this, but the beautiful Blair from Wild & Precious posted an "I Remember 9.11.01 Link Up" and I wanted to be a part of it as well. As I write this tears are in my eyes for reasons I can't fully express to anyone, but this day and date bring many emotions to the surface for me, as I'm sure it does for many of you.

The WTC art I created in 2001 just after 9-11, which was chosen as one of the official
USA Memorial Graphics to represent September 11th at the time.
I had just moved to NYC on September 1, 2001 ready to start an exciting adventure after just recently having graduated college, and was so fortunate to be living on the 5th floor of a brand new, fabulous apartment building in the heart of Manhattan. How lucky can one girl get to start enjoying her 20's in one of the greatest cities in the world, thanks mostly to my amazing family and their support on so many levels.
Plus, one of my best friends had just moved there as well, so, it was almost like our own "Sex and the City" group of ladies who could meet for outdoor brunches on Sundays, at Madison Square Garden for concerts and shop until we dropped on 5th Avenue, up and down 34th Street and beyond! It was a very good time in my life and one of the best to date!
On the night of September 10, 2001, into the wee hours of September 11th, my roommate and I had just had one of the best nights in NYC and times we had had living there thus far! We found ourselves still up at 4AM, dancing around our apt., up and down the hallways, taking goofy pictures, ironically in front of the large, framed World Trade Center print we had hanging above our couch, and acting super silly while staring out of our large apt. window at the city and all its magical lights.
All unaware that just a few hours later, and only a week and a half after having moved to The Big Apple, on the morning of September 11, 2001, I would receive a phone call I will never forget, and in an instant the world would be changed forever! Needless to say, I can't help, but reflect on that day being in the middle of it all with the sights and sounds still as fresh as if it had happened yesterday.
Last year on this day, I wrote a special Letter to New York City as a way of expressing some thoughts, and so today,
I thought I would link it as a part of my "I Remember 9.11.01" post again for those of you who are new or might have missed it.
I have yet to share the words I actually wrote about my experience that day, which I reference in the letter, but are words I'm so glad I put to paper to fully remember years later, and possibly pass onto my kids, if I have any, one about that very day in history for me.
I am thinking of you all today, and sending extra smiles to any of you who lost someone on that tragic day. I was so fortunate to somehow not lose anyone I knew personally, despite growing up in that area and knowing countless people who worked and lived in the city. This day is still difficult for me, no matter how many years pass, so, I can only imagine what each of you who experienced a loss is going through, and I'm lending my virtual shoulder to lean on if you need it.
Please feel free to join in this link up and post your thoughts about this day, where you were, what you remember, etc. or simply share them in the comments below! I know for me, writing things and feelings out is so helpful, and even therapeutic, and the way I have always expressed myself best.
I will be back tomorrow with a more uplifting post and Look of the Day from my night out celebrating a friend's 40th birthday in Hollywood this weekend!

SIDE NOTE: My parents sent me this article by Peggy Noonan from the Wall Street Journal about September 11th with a note attached that said...
"You are the only one of us who was there, and this appears to be an interesting, good summary of thoughts about 9/11. You saw/experienced this more closely than any of us, including your free trip back to NJ, when you could finally leave. We love you!"
...and yes, I agree she summed it up quite well, especially the "when you ask New Yorkers now what they remember" bits of the article! So, so true!
The free ride references how when I was allowed to finally leave the city days later, along with a massive number of people with me at Penn Station, when I got on a train they would not allow anyone to pay, they said it was a free ride and just wanted everyone to get out safely.
To this day, I have never in my life seen people, especially those in NYC, come together so strongly, with a willingness to help and simply be proud to be an American.
Related Posts :
Remembering 9-11
September 11th
What a wonderful tribute. So eerie that you were there. I did one too that you might want to check out. Thank you for this honey. Hope you have a fabulous Sunday.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to enter my giveaway where you can win a $50 gift card to Victoria's Secret!
Kori xoxo
This is a lovely and touching post, Liesl. I was on a train in Europe on 9/11, I don't think anyone will ever forget where they were on that day.
ReplyDeleteSending you hugs and smiles :)
How amazing that you were able to see the unity and solidarity of an amazing group of people on that day! Thankful for memories and praying for all of our future! Have a beautiful day and thanks for visiting my blog. =) Looking forward to getting to know you better!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful & moving post Liesl! <3 Sending you lots of love and hugs xxxxx
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post. It is beautiful. I can't believe you were there when it happened and were able to witness the way it brought people together.
ReplyDeletehow can I follow you!??? Check out my new post :)
ReplyDeletexo Emma
God Bless The USA!!!
ReplyDeleteThx for the great comment, thx for helping me out!
Can't find your followers!!! :( Where is it lol...
ReplyDeleteYeayy finally!^^ Oh I'm already following
ReplyDeleteHow sad. This is something I wont forget.